Choices for Parents

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Choice Fact Sheet
BuildingChoice web-based toolkit

"...School choice is part of the strategy to give every child an excellent education."

--U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings

The No Child Left Behind Act provides new education options for many families. This federal law allows parents to choose other public schools or take advantage of free tutoring if their child attends a school that needs improvement. Also, parents can choose another public school if the school their child attends is unsafe. The law also supports the growth of more independent charter schools, funds some services for children in private schools, and provides certain protections for homeschooling parents. Finally, it requires that states and local school districts provide information to help parents make informed educational choices for their child.

Descriptions || Tools || Programs || Additional Resources

Get the latest news on choice and supplemental educational services with Office of Innovations and Improvement Alerts.

Descriptions of School Choices

Learn about the full range of choices available under No Child Left Behind and beyond.

Tools from the U.S. Department of Education

These databases, books, and brochures can help parents and schools make choice work. They were developed by the U.S. Department of Education, are free and can be reproduced without permission.

Programs and Services

The U.S. Department of Education manages grant programs and provides services that support school choice.

Additional Resources

Additional information to help with the school choice process.

Last Modified: 04/30/2007