The Facts About...Math Achievement
Archived Information

The Challenge: America's schools are not producing the math excellence required for global economic leadership and homeland security in the 21st century.

The Solution: Ensure schools use scientifically based methods with long-term records of success to teach math and measure student progress. Establish partnerships with universities to ensure that knowledgeable teachers deliver the best instruction in their field.


Math is a critical skill in the information age. We must improve achievement to maintain our economic leadership. While technology advances with lightning speed, stagnant math performance in schools shortchanges our students' future and endangers our prosperity and our nation's security.

Percentage of Twelfth Graders Proficient in Math -- Graph showing almost no change in math proficiency from 1990 to 2000

Math achievement is improving slightly, but much more work must be done to ensure that our children receive a sound background in mathematics.

No Child Left Behind creates Math and Science Partnerships to rally every sector of society to work with schools to increase math and science excellence.

The president has called for increasing the ranks and pay of teachers of math and science.

Our nation must research the best way to teach math and science and measure students' progress in math.

Last Modified: 02/10/2004