School Safety
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Summary Campus Crime Statistics 2004-06 - Disciplinary Actions (MS Excel) (Mar 25, 2008)
This page provides summary national crime statistics (disciplinary actions) for U.S. colleges and universities for 2004-06. (MS Excel)
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Summary Campus Crime Statistics 2004-06 - Disciplinary Actions (PDF) (Mar 25, 2008)
This page provides summary national crime statistics (disciplinary actions) for U.S. colleges and universities for 2004-06. (PDF)
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Summary Campus Crime Statistics 2004-06 - Criminal Offenses (MS Excel) (Mar 25, 2008)
This page provides summary national crime statistics (criminal offenses) for U.S. colleges and universities for 2004-06. (MS Excel)
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Summary Campus Crime Statistics 2004-06 - Hate Crimes (PDF) (Mar 25, 2008)
This page provides summary national crime statistics (hate crimes) for U.S. colleges and universities for 2004-06. (PDF)
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Summary Campus Crime Statistics 2004-06 - Arrests (PDF) (Mar 25, 2008)
This page provides summary national crime statistics (arrests) for U.S. colleges and universities for 2004-06. (PDF)
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Summary Campus Crime Statistics 2004-06 - Arrests (MS Excel) (Mar 25, 2008)
This page provides summary national crime statistics (arrests) for U.S. colleges and universities for 2004-06. (MS Excel)
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Summary Campus Crime Statistics 2004-06 - Criminal Offenses (PDF) (Mar 25, 2008)
This page provides summary national crime statistics (criminal offenses) for U.S. colleges and universities for 2004-06. (PDF)
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Summary Campus Crime Statistics 2004-06 - Hate Crimes (MS Excel) (Mar 25, 2008)
This page provides summary national crime statistics (hate crimes) for U.S. colleges and universities for 2004-06. (MS Excel)
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PreventED signup form (Apr 06, 2006)
Signup form for the PreventED listserv.
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Summary Campus Crime Statistics - Hate Crimes (May 02, 2005)
An index page containing links to a review of the summary national crime statistics for colleges and universities for hate crimes.
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about Crime (38)
Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) (38)
about Data (37)
of type Datasets (37)
about PPI Programs and Initiatives (37)
Free, No Restrictions (34)
formatted as HTML document (34)