Runoff Generation in Forested Watersheds- A Half-Day Shortcourse

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About The Presenter

Jeff McDonnell, Richardson Chair in Watershed Science, Oregon State University.

About This Presentation

Running time: 3 hours, 1 minute and 16 seconds
Production by: M.J. Furniss and J. Guntle, Communications and Applications, PNW and PSW Research Stations

Topics covered:

  • Runoff Generation in Forested Watersheds
  • Introductions
  • Background
  • Benchmark Papers
  • Good Basic Material
  • Advanced Material
  • Journals You Should Consult...
  • Basic Question That Will Be Addressed
  • Traditional Forest Hydrology
  • Problems With the Paired Watershed Approach
  • What This Course Will Address
  • Mechanisms—Our focus
  • Why These Flow Pathways and Mechanisms Are Important
  • Water Residence Time Is Important
  • What We Will and Will Not Cover
  • Hillslope and Watershed Hydrology
  • Experimentalist and Modeler
  • Shortcourse Outline
  • Example Locations
  • Runoff Generation Overview
  • This Section
  • Our History
  • Runoff Generation at a Point Depends on
  • Storm Characteristics and Watershed Runoff
  • Natural Conditions for Infiltration Excess Overland Flow
  • Other Factors that Promote IEOF
  • READ
  • Hydraulic Conductivity of Some Materials
  • Hydrological Pathways
  • Hewlitt and Hibbert's, 1967 VSAC
  • SOF Country
  • Saturated Areas: We Can Estimate Based on Topography
  • Saturation Overland Flow
  • Spatial and Temporal Dynamics
  • Subsurface Stormflow
  • How This Might Happen
  • But, Also Can Be Highly Preferential
  • Dominant Processes of Hillslope Response to Rainfall
  • Model Conceptualization of These Processes
  • Proccess assumptions
  • 3D Diagram
  • Plot Scale
  • This section
  • Plot Scale: Example, Inceptisols
  • What Changes With Depth
  • Depth Function
  • Drainable Porosity
  • Ksat
  • But Don't Forget....
  • Soil Profiles and Cone Penetrometer
  • The Plot Scale Simplified
  • Pores
  • Network-Like
  • If Darcy Were Alive Today...
  • How Infiltration Really Works
  • Infiltrations in Macroporous Soils
  • Classification of Macropores
  • If We Were to Dig a Pit
  • In Other Words
  • Macropores: Engineers Knew About This > 100 Years Ago
  • Observations
  • Observations
  • Plant Roots
  • Hillslope Scale
  • This section
  • From Vertical to Lateral Flow
  • Vertical to Lateral
  • Surface and Bedrock Topography
  • Hillsope Trenching
  • Surface and Bedrock Topography
  • Flow Distribution Across the Trench
  • Transient Saturation: Spatial Pattern 5mm
  • Transient Saturation: 9mm
  • Transient Saturation: 16mm
  • Transient Saturation: 29mm
  • Transient Saturation: 50mm
  • Transient Saturation: 59mm
  • Transient Saturation: 61mm
  • Threshold Effects
  • Threshold Effects- A Common Observation
  • Fill and Spill Behavior
  • Visualizing These Processes
  • Or, if a 2-Layer System...
  • Or, if a 2-Layer System cont.
  • Equals Transmissivity Feedback
  • Back to Our Photo...
  • Back to Transmissivity Feedback
  • Pipeflow
  • We See Thresholds for Lateral Pipeflow Also...
  • Wherever We Trench, Pipeflow Dominates
  • Transient Water Table Drives the Pipeflow
  • We've Known About Complexity for a Long Time
  • Catchment Scale
  • This section
  • Soil moisture—Wet
  • Soil moisture—dry
  • Terrain Relationships
  • Threshold Responses
  • Back to the Soil Moisture Diagram
  • Threshold Responses cont...
  • How Catchment Units Sequence
  • Why This Is Important
  • Another Way of Looking at This
  • It's Not Continuous
  • Or, Looking at This Geochemically
  • Discrete Units That Connect and Disconnect
  • From Geographic Source to Time Source
  • The Reality
  • The Old Water Paradox
  • Not a New Idea
  • Stable Isotopes: Hydrological Tool
  • Two-Component Hydrograph Separation
  • Time Source of Water During Events
  • How Old is the old Water?
  • A Recent GEOREF Search
  • Residence Time Methods
  • Convolusion Integral
  • Mean Residence Time
  • Some Reported Mean Residence Times
  • Watershed Model
  • Summary
  • Basic Question That We Addressed
  • One Proviso Before Ending
  • REA: Something to Keep in Your Mind
  • REA: Something That You Can Determine
  • Hillslope and Watershed Hydrology
  • Shortcourse Summary
  • For a More Extended Virtual Course...