Paige Issues Statement On Today's Supreme Court Decision On School Choice
Archived Information

June 27, 2002
Contact: Dan Langan
More Resources
 Zelman vs. Simmons-Harris
 Federal Support to Private
 & Religious Groups
 Research Suggests Choice
 Improves Achievement
 Court Affirms Parents'
 Right to Choose
 Webcast of Paige's Comments
 Paige's Op-Ed
 Armey Introduces Choice Bill

"Today's historic Supreme Court decision is one for America's children. It's one that can transform the education landscape in our country. The decision lifts the constitutional cloud that has been hanging over school-choice programs for years and will open the doors of opportunity to thousands of children who need and deserve the best possible education.

"Expanding educational options for parents MUST be an integral part of our efforts to strengthen our schools and to leave no child behind. In communities across America, thousands of parents are clamoring for more and better options for their children. This decision will make it easier for them to seek out the best school for their children.

"Giving parents greater choices and kids more chances does not hurt public education, it strengthens it and brings us closer to equality. Today's decision will help strengthen public education while giving our parents and our children more choices."



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