Host-State Evacuation and Sheltering Reimbursement

Interim Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.18

  1. TITLE:Host-State Evacuation and Sheltering Reimbursement

  2. DATE: July 18, 2007

  3. PURPOSE: To establish the procedures for reimbursing host-States for the cost of evacuation and sheltering support that they provide to impact-States when requested to provide such support by the impact-State or FEMA.


    This guidance is applicable to host-State evacuation and/or sheltering provided in support of impact-States upon agreement with the impact state or FEMA, and is effective upon the date of issuance. All FEMA personnel are directed to follow this guidance.


    Titles III, IV and V of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act), 42 U.S.C. §§5191-5193, as amended, and implementing regulations at 44 CFR Part 206, Subparts B, G and H.

  6. POLICY:

    1. Definitions:
      1. Host-State: A state that, by agreement with an impact-State or FEMA, is providing evacuation and sheltering support to individuals from another State that has received a Presidential emergency or major disaster declaration due to an incident.

      2. Impact-State: A state that has received a Presidential emergency or major disaster declaration.

    2. Host-State Reimbursement: Pursuant to 44 CFR 206.223(a)(2), host-states providing evacuation and sheltering support to an impact-State may receive reimbursement for eligible costs through:

      1. Existing mutual aid agreements (e.g., the Emergency Management Assistance Compact) as specified in FEMA Recovery Policy 9523.6, Mutual Aid Agreements for Public Assistance and Fire Management Assistance, (issued September 22, 2004), and Mutual Aid Clarification Memorandum, (dated March 15, 2005); OR

      2. Direct reimbursement from FEMA, when an impact-State has made a request for assistance to FEMA in accordance with 44 C.F.R. 206.208 to address evacuation and sheltering needs of individuals that are beyond its ability to address in-state, and a host-State agrees to a FEMA request to provide such assistance.
        1. When FEMA arranges for evacuation and/or sheltering support from a host-State, FEMA may provide direct reimbursement through a grant to the host-State under the declared emergency or major disaster for the impact-state. A host-State will enter into a grant agreement with FEMA that will be governed by the regulations, policies, guidance and procedures of the Public Assistance program.
        2. Eligibility for host-State sheltering and evacuation costs will be the same criteria for eligibility established for Public Assistance Category B, Emergency Protective Measures. These criteria for eligible costs as specified in FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.15, Eligible Costs Related to Evacuations and Sheltering, dated April 6, 2007.
        3. The Federal/non-Federal cost share for a grant for a host-State to evacuate and/or shelter individuals from the impact state will be the same as any other Category B cost-share established for the declared major disaster or emergency; however, the non-Federal share will be the responsibility of the impact-state, under its declaration; meaning that the host-state will be reimbursed for 100% of their eligible costs. Impact-states agree, when requesting that the Federal government assist with evacuation and sheltering, to provide the non-federal cost-share for all eligible costs incurred by any host-State under the terms of paragraph VI-B-2, above.
        4. FEMA, through the Administrator, or his/her designee, to include the Assistant Administrator for Disaster Assistance; Regional Administrator; or Federal Coordinating Officer, will coordinate with states to determine which state(s) are available and appropriate to support the evacuation and sheltering needs of individuals from the impact-State.
        5. States that formally agree (in advance of an incident or threat prompting an evacuation) to the following will be considered as meeting the criteria of being a host-State eligible for direct reimbursement if they also:
          1. Agree to accept evacuees via any and all modes of organized transportation (bus, aircraft, etc.), as required by the situation; and
          2. Agree to make at least 10% of identified sheltering capacity within the State available to support impact State evacuees.
    3. This policy does not alter the ability of a Governor to request an emergency or major disaster declaration from the President under the Stafford Act and existing FEMA regulations.

    4. Emergency and Major Disaster declaration determinations and assistance under the Stafford Act, are made solely and exclusively by the President of the United States. This policy in no way obligates the President to either approve or disapprove any declaration request or financial assistance.

  7. RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Disaster Assistance Directorate (Public Assistance Division).


  9. REVIEW DATE: One year from the date of publication.

     Carlos J. Castillo
     Assistant Administrator
     Disaster Assistance Directorate

Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.18 - Host-State Evacuation and Sheltering Reimbursement (PDF 760KB)

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 25-Jul-2007 13:30:32 EDT