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How Can I Help Keep Our Mid-Atlantic Coastal Waters Clean?

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Prevent Pollution

The most effective way to reduce pollution of coastal waters is through prevention. While efforts such as improving sewage treatment plants and stopping direct discharges of raw sewage into the water are the responsibility of local governments, there are a number of things individuals can do to help:

Marine Debris

Cigarette butts, grocery bags, scraps of fishing nets, foam coffee cups, fast food containers, soda bottles, rope, six-pack rings, balloons and balloon ribbons are some of the types of materials that can be found floating in the ocean. And, as the coastal population has risen and society has turned from degradable natural materials to synthetic ones, the trash problem in the ocean has gotten worse. The primary sources of ocean debris include storm sewers, illegal dumping, littering, balloon releases, commercial and recreational boats, and commercial shipping.

coastal debrisDebris is a problem for a number of reasons:

Find out how to participate in the National Marine Debris Monitoring Program Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer, a joint effort of EPA and the Center for Marine Conservation. This program has been designed to scientifically determine whether marine debris is increasing or decreasing along our nation's coastlines and identify the major sources of the debris.

Become an Oceanographer

Oceanography is a multidisciplinary science, combining knowledge from many fields such as biology, geology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Most jobs in oceanography require a college degree. If you are a person who likes many of the sciences, oceanography may be for you.

Because many jobs in oceanography require trips on ships, boating experience and a high tolerance to motion sickness is desirable. Certification as a scuba diver is also helpful.

Many oceanographers work for the government, for non-profit organizations, and for universities teaching or doing research. Corporations also hire oceanographers to help explore for oil off-shore, to help design equipment used in the ocean, to help develop new medicines from materials found in the ocean, etc.

Learn more about becoming an oceanographer:

The National Marine Sanctuaries Spotlight On: Ocean Careers.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer is a private, non-profit research institution for the marine sciences and the training of marine scientists.

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