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Site Content Includes:  
2002 to 2007 NAICS Changes!

2007 NAICS Code Manual, Custom  Mailing Lists, Marketing Lead Lists, Data Appends,

Downloadable Reference Files Including SIC to 2007 NAICS Crosswalk.

Naics and sic manuals
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2007 NAICS Manual and SIC Manual

  • Hardcover and Softcover Versions
  • NAICS Descriptions by Sector and Code
  • Information on NAICS Structure
  • Alphabetic Keyword Index
  • Tables Comparing NAICS Code and SIC


custom lists
Business Lists
Consumer Lists

Custom Mailing Lists

Utilizing the most comprehensive, updated information available, we can provide virtually any Marketing List to meet your needs. With complete profiles on over 15-million U.S. Companies and 100 Million Businesses World-wide, we can create Custom Lists using almost any criteria.  

  electronic naics manual
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"Exclusive" Electronic US NAICS Manual
"2007 Version Available Now!"

  • All the information from the manual plus...
  • More than 30,000 cross reference links
  • Available for Immediate Download
  • Easily find any code, keyword, or title
  • Full featured reference software
  • Also includes full .XLS reference files
  data base enhancement
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Data Appends

We can Enhance an Existing Database in many ways, including: Appending NAICS Code, SIC Code, Performing Address Standardization,
Data Cleansing and NCOA
. Append single elements such as Sales Volume, Number of Employees, Corporate Linkage, Year Started and Additional Contacts. 

  naics reference files
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NAICS Reference Files
All Reference Files 2007 NAICS Compliant!
Downloadable Reference Files include:
  • 2002 to 2007 US NAICS Code Changes
  • 2007 NAICS Codes & Titles Listed Numerically
  • NAICS Code Alphabetic Keyword List
  • SIC to NAICS Crosswalk
  • SIC Standard Industry Classification Listing  
  business directories
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Business Directories

Our Business Directories include Online or
CD-ROM access to provide you with complete Company Profiles on over 14-million U.S.


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