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Functional Area: Human Resources/Workforce

Executive Sponsor
Larry Todd, Deputy Commissioner Policy, Administration, and Budget

Reclamation will address several human capital issues to ensure it can fulfill its mission requirements, including: succession planning; recruitment and retention of employees with the proper skill sets, including collaborative competencies; training of existing employees to develop and maintain these skill sets; strategies for dealing with the effects of outsourcing of various agency functions; and innovative use of partnerships.

Item No.
Action Item Time Frame Team Leader Results
37 Identify critical positions where collaborative competencies are needed and refine position descriptions to include these competencies. More 3/2006 - 7/2006 Lorri Gray  
38 Create collaborative competency curriculum. More 7/2006 - 12/2006 Lorri Gray  
39 Utilize the Department’s Learning Management System to ensure that collaborative competencies are a part of each employee and manager’s skill set. More 9/2006 - 3/2007 Lorri Gray  
40 Evaluate the effectiveness of Reclamation’s training and development programs in successfully planning for succession, including leadership development and technical training. More 5/2006 - 11/2006 CJ McKeral  
41 Ensure that the conclusions reached and the decisions made as a result of all of the preceding action items are incorporated into Reclamation’s current workforce and succession planning processes. More 7/2006 - 12/2006 Ann Gold  

Last Updated: March 13, 2007