Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Functional Area: Project Management

*The following action items will be addressed by one team.

Action Item 20*

Identify and implement a project management process for all construction projects.

Action Item 21*

Study the merits of developing a comprehensive and structured project management process for managing projects from inception through the planning and construction stages and into operation, and make a determination of whether such a process should be developed.

Action Item 22*

If the results of the action item 21 so directs, develop a comprehensive, structured project management process and develop policies, directives and standards, and other guidance documents to assure effective implementation.

Action Item 23*

Develop a training program for all personnel with project management responsibilities.  This training program will incorporate existing project management tools as well as any processes developed as a result of the two action items above.  It will also address decision-making, stakeholder relations, the differences between project and program management, and other topics relevant to successful project management.

Note:  While these four action items appear separate in the Managing for Excellence Action Plan, the team will accomplish them collectively in two phases:  Needs Assessment and Data Collection; and Implementation Recommendations.

Team Leaders:
Rick Ehat, Construction Manager, Animas-La Plata Project Construction Office, Upper Colorado Region
Lauren Carly, Deputy Construction Manager, Willows Construction Office, Mid-Pacific Region

Team Members:




Products (If you would like to provide comments on any draft products, visit the Draft Products page.)

Draft Product: Introduction to Project Management

Last Updated: March 13, 2007