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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

Statement by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on the Trafficking Victims Protection Act

Release Date: 01/10/06 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Contact: DHS Press Office, 202-282-8010
January 10, 2006

By signing the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, the President today took a significant step towards curtailing one of the most despicable practices facing humanity. This important reauthorization allows U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to further target ruthless human trafficking organizations.  The department is steadfastly committed to eliminating this special evil. ICE has thus far arrested more than 5,400 human traffickers and smugglers, resulting in over 2,300 convictions. As the lead at the Federal government's Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center, the department will continue to leverage every possible resource and partnership in this worthy fight.


This page was last reviewed/modified on 01/10/06 00:00:00.