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Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.


Office of Public Affairs

OPA Press Release: Statement by Secretary of Labor Alexis M. Herman on Allegations of Labor Law Violations Involving Deaf Mexican Immigrants in New York City [07/21/1997]

For more information call: 202/219-8211


I share the public's sense of outrage at the discovery that dozens of deaf Mexican immigrants in New York City were forced to live in the most squalid conditions and work for little or no pay.

Labor Department officials have begun working, under my direction, with the U.S. Attorney's office, the INS and appropriate state and local authorities to investigate these allegations and compliance with fundamental labor laws.

Many of these immigrant workers were cut off from being able to communicate with the proper authorities. It is our job now to help make sure that the facts will come out and that this never be repeated.

This case should serve as a clear reminder that workers need protection -- even in a booming economy. As a new economy replaces the old economy, we need to address the continuing problems of the underground economy, which operates in the shadows and so is more difficult to monitor.

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.

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