Leadership Journal

September 9, 2007

Comment Policy

We welcome your comments on postings at the Department of Homeland Security Leadership Journal. Comments submitted to the Department of Homeland Security Journal will be reviewed before posting.

This is a moderated Journal, and the Department retains the discretion to determine which comments it will post and which it will not. We expect all contributors to be respectful. We will not post comments that contain personal attacks of any kind; refer to Federal Civil Service employees by name; contain offensive terms that target specific ethnic or racial groups, or vulgar language. We will not post comments that are spam, are clearly off topic or that promote services or products.

We will make our best effort to promptly post those comments that are consistent with the Comment Policy, but given the need to manage federal resources, moderating and posting of comments will occur only during regular business hours, Monday through Friday. Comments submitted outside of business hours will be read and posted as quickly as possible. To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include phone numbers or email addresses in the body of your comment.

For the benefit of robust discussion, we ask that comments remain on-topic. Department leadership will discuss other topics in the future.

What This Journal Is Not
Any opinions expressed here, except as specifically noted, are those of the individual authors or commenters and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Thank you for reviewing the Department of Homeland Security Leadership Journal comment policy.



  • This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous Guardian, At September 14, 2007 8:55 AM  

  • You should have done this years ago.

    By Anonymous Scoreboard44, At September 14, 2007 9:14 AM  

  • Each DHS component, especially TSA since it is the largest and most visible to the public, should should have an active and well known spokesperson(s)to provide pro-active responses in various public forums (such as TV, radio, periodicals, internet) where DHS receives either negative publicity or the public is provided misinformation. These spokespersons should be known to be available for public discussion or debates on TV and radio.

    A clearinghouse should be established where interested parties can send articles, links or provide information as to who, where and when, either negative or erroneous information is being disseminated to the public so it can be accurately and timely addressed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 10:23 AM  

  • This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 10:23 AM  

  • This is a wonderful idea and hopefully will prove itself over time. I note that the release Wednesday of the National Preparedness Guidelines and Target Capabilities List by DHS is a major achievement. Two suggestions.
    First would it be possible to post on the DHS Website the unclassified versions of the HSPD's as currently amended? I would be happy to furnish my version if so requested. Also, there is a specific requirement in HSPD-8 for the following:
    "24) The Secretary shall provide to me through the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security an annual status report of the Nation's level of preparedness, including State capabilities, the readiness of Federal civil response assets, the utilization of mutual aid, and an assessment of how the Federal first responder preparedness assistance programs support the national preparedness goal. The first report will be provided within 1 year of establishment of the national preparedness goal." Does this mean that no such report has ever been issued and the one year requirement just now tolls? If it has been prepared in the past could an unclassified version be posted and made available to the public?
    Again thanks again and I remember you well for your excellent administration of the criminal division of DOJ and working with Jerry Rubino's offices on the Classified Information Procedures Act.

    By Anonymous William R. Cumming, At September 14, 2007 11:11 AM  

  • I am grateful that you are now posting. I think you all need to hear from the general public - our views will greatly differ from polls, the media, lobby groups, etc., as I am sure you are aware. Thanks.

    I am VERY anxious about securing the border as the majority of Americans area. It is not about racism, jobs that the media claims "Americans won't do." It is about security and our RIGHT to be a soverign nation. I know you all take this seriously. I am not a cynical individual who feels that the govt is out of touch with people. But I do think that the govt has become too big to do the things it needs to do in a timely fashion. We have GOT to secure our borders and provide law enforcement the means to do their jobs. PLEASE.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 12:45 PM  

  • I would like to know what the DHS is doing to track middle eastern students with Visa's. Specificly medicla students such as the one arrested in Dearborn yesterday who had a student visa, a jihad website, and an AK-47.

    By Anonymous BDinfla, At September 14, 2007 4:04 PM  

  • Thank You for deporting Elvira Arellano. She was a two time felony offender.

    By Anonymous Paul (pablo), At September 14, 2007 4:45 PM  

  • I concur with bdinfla's comment above. I am very concerned about the strength and security of our current visa system. What kind of assurances are their that unsafe individuals are not receiving visa, and also what is being done to track individuals who overstay their visas? The case mentioned above, in Dearborn Michigan, is especially troubling as it appears this person may have had a website that was sympathetic to Hezbollah, as well as promoting active and violent jihad, prior to ever entering this country.

    By Blogger Thomas Paine, At September 14, 2007 4:53 PM  

  • Since we're discussing 9/11 . . . is there any chance we'll start focusing on Osama Bin Laden and terrorism rather than continuing to focus on screwing over a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 whatsoever? Or is rational thought just aiding the enemy?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 6:47 PM  

  • You folks aren't doing a very good job enforcing this policy. Almost none of the comments here are related to the content of the post. Really only two of them are--the two that say:

    Comment deleted
    This post has been removed by the blog administrator.

    And of course, those are only on-topic in a sort of meta, ironic way.

    So why did all these comments, which have nothing to do with the comment policy, get through moderation? And why did the other two get deleted?

    By Anonymous Lance Brown, At September 15, 2007 12:28 AM  

  • Thanks for your opening this blog site. I support your efforts to stop terrorism. When we aren't hit with terrorism I know your doing your job. I have two main issues with our security. First, in this politically correct environment is very difficult to use profiling, which has been proven to be very successful. What is being done to do more instead of less profiling? Second, I think a vast majority of American are for Legal Immigration. However, one of the main issues of illegal immigration is the potential of terrorists entering the country. Since we are good about checking planes and boats. What are we doing to close our borders? Regards, Roger

    By Blogger Lance, At September 15, 2007 9:35 PM  

  • Your Journal gives this disclaimer, "This Journal is not to be used to report criminal activity. If you have information for law enforcement, please contact your local police or FBI office or submit a tip to the FBI online."

    Isn't this a DHS journal? Doesn't DHS have law enforcement agencies within the department? Why does the DHS journal advise people to provide their crime tips to the FBI instead of having those tips vetted through a DHS agency, such as ICE?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 28, 2007 4:02 PM  

  • "Illegal migrants really degrade the environment. I've seen pictures of human waste, garbage, discarded bottles and other human artifact in pristine areas...And believe me, that is the worst thing you can do to the environment."

    I find this statement (which supposedly you gave in an AP telephone interview in response to the environmental impact of the border fence) to be unwarranted, uneducated, and racist. If you are going to say something so blatant and offensive, please address on your blog why you feel the comment is justified. Pollution has no concern for political boundaries, and it is naive to think that building a fence will save us from "environment-degrading migrants". Also, litter is not the worst thing that can happen to the environment... cutting off migration patterns for animals can have far reaching consequences. Please address these concerns more thoroughly in your blog.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At October 3, 2007 1:34 AM  

  • I thought this was a country where a citizen could say what is correct---???but guess not.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At October 3, 2007 11:27 PM  

  • Your Journal gives this disclaimer, "This Journal is not to be used to report criminal activity. If you have information for law enforcement, please contact your local police or FBI office or submit a tip to the FBI online."

    Isn't this a DHS journal?iddaa Doesn't DHS have law enforcement agencies within the department? Why does the DHS journal advise people to provide their crime tips to the FBI instead of having those tips vetted through a DHS agency, such as ICE?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At January 22, 2008 9:59 PM  

  • Very positive move towards 2.0.

    If not already the case, however, I recommend moderation of the links which are being associated to the Forum as well.

    By Blogger Jay A. Allen, At April 16, 2008 6:54 AM  

  • Please add search capability.

    By Blogger Jay A. Allen, At April 16, 2008 10:33 PM  

  • It is very good that you are allowing posting comments on your blog. This will make the blog more popular and the posts theme will be seen from more than one point of view. Having moderation on the comments is also good because this will filter the comments from bad things such as racism, terrorism and other stuff. Plus the moderator will correct the grammatical mistakes made by foreign visitors.

    By Anonymous Moldova, At April 18, 2008 2:13 PM  

  • Thanks..

    By Anonymous Cilt Bakimi, At April 21, 2008 8:10 AM  

  • Thanks you..

    By Anonymous Blog, At May 19, 2008 2:26 PM  

  • 10 years
    356 days
    24 hours
    60 minutes
    60 seconds
    total 307584000 seconds

    13$ per second! How to make this? I want!

    By Anonymous Emule, At May 21, 2008 1:13 PM  

  • thanks

    By Anonymous Cilt Bakimi, At May 31, 2008 7:28 PM  

  • Thank you

    By Anonymous çeviri, At July 3, 2008 9:58 AM  

  • thank you

    By Anonymous Tercüme, At July 3, 2008 10:08 AM  

  • Thanks, I will check back to this blog to see what advancements in Homeland Security are posted and what the public reaction is.

    By Anonymous Jim Grapes, At July 7, 2008 12:42 AM  

  • Thank you so much
    this is really amazing

    By Anonymous Term Paper, At July 23, 2008 7:02 AM  

  • Thank you so much

    By Anonymous estetik, At July 26, 2008 7:17 PM  

  • Thank you

    By Anonymous tatil, At August 4, 2008 5:03 PM  

  • Thanks you. Good docmnt..

    By Anonymous forex, At October 10, 2008 12:54 PM  

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