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Changing community needs, changing forests. A succession of three images displaying a forest changing over time for the years 1909, 1989, and 1997.

VegTools (Vegetation Management Tools) is a grass-roots approach to sharing information and projects used in the field to restore and maintain forest health. Natural Resource professionals, such as District Rangers, Fire Resource Team Leaders, Silviculturists, Recreation Planners, and others, who use vegetation treatments to achieve forest health goals can use this online resource. The five tools categories provide a wide spectrum of resources, and simplify access to specific information regarding techniques, processes, technology, and personal experiences.

Image link to the What's New page.
USDA Forest Service, FM
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Washington DC 20250-1103
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USDA logo with link to the department's national site.Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

Last Modified: Monday, 29-Oct-2007 17:00:35 EDT