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Priority Report for HPV Chemicals

This report provides a preliminary automatic classification of chemicals based upon criteria provided by EPA's National Pollution Prevention and Toxics Advisory Committee (NPPTAC)(PDF)(17 pp, 713K, About PDF) HPV Workgroup. These criteria include an analysis of nine of the HPVIS endpoints:
  • Repeated Dose
  • Genetic Toxicity
  • Reproductive Toxicity
  • Developmental Toxicity
  • Acute Vertebrate Toxicity
  • Acute Invertebrate Toxicity
  • Toxicity to Aquatic Plants
  • Log Kow
  • Ready Biodegradability
The report classifies chemicals into one of three categories depending upon the results of the algorithm. This classification will then guide the prioritization of chemicals for consideration for a full risk analysis by EPA staff.

  View Priority Report Summary Table

View a quick summary of the chemicals screened. Shows counts and percentages of the number of each category.

  View Detail Priority Report

View a table with the screening results of all chemicals in HPV that have sponsor reviewed and approved submissions. The table allows access to detailed summaries of each individual chemical's screening results, including links to the studies used to the determine the category rating. The table of all results can be saved as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

  Priority Report Menu

Menu to run the screening process on the chemicals in HPV. Single chemicals can be run by any user, and a screen that includes all chemicals requires administrative access to the High Production Volume Information System (HPVIS).


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