Featured Posts By Experts

2009: Year of Science

Posted by Sidney Draggan on September 30th, 2008

Year of Science 2009Elevating the importance of public understanding of science, the Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS) is building the foundations of 2009 as The Year of Science.

Components of the National Academies have released a report advising the current presidential candidates on selection of high-level science and technology appointees (”Science and Technology for America’s Progress: Ensuring the Best Presidential Appointments in the New Administration“).

DiscussionCentral: Presidential S&T Appointments

Posted by Sidney Draggan on September 25th, 2008

COSEPUP ReportThe National Academies’ Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy has released a prepublication draft of its report on presidential science and technology appointments. The report, “Science and Technology for America’s Progress: Ensuring the Best Presidential Appointments in the New Administration”, notes that,

Agriculture and Development in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis and Food Security

Posted by Sidney Draggan on September 23rd, 2008

Agadir Conf. LogoThe North-South Center for Social Sciences (NRCS) at Ibn Zohr University in Agadir, Morocco, has issued a Call for Papers for an up-coming conference (”Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis and Food Insecurity“).

DiscussionCentral: Drinking Water—A Critical Resource

Posted by Sidney Draggan on September 12th, 2008

Hydrologic CycleThe National Academies’ Division of Earth and Life Studies has compiled a free booklet “Drinking Water: Understanding the Science and Policy Behind a Critical Resource,” designed to give the public a comprehensive introduction to drinking water issues. It details the range of activities (from research to achievement of policy outcomes) necessary to protect the safety and reliability of the Nation’s potable water.

Youth Video Contest

Posted by Sidney Draggan on September 11th, 2008

NCSE 2009 Conference LogoThe National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) is hosting a video contest, “Voices and Visions from the Next Generation of Conservationists”, as part of NCSE’s Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing World Conference.

2009 Thacher Scholars Award

Posted by Sidney Draggan on September 10th, 2008

GeoGlobesThe Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) announces the 2009 Thacher Scholars Award to be given to secondary school students (grades 9-12) demonstrating the best use of geospatial technologies or data to study Earth.

The Institute says that,

Contest: Trees Make a World

Posted by Sidney Draggan on September 9th, 2008

TreesThe Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) announces “. . . an art contest for grades 2-4 [that] challenges students to explore trees and their importance to the world.

DiscussionCentral: Chemicals Around You

Posted by Sidney Draggan on September 7th, 2008

Household Products Database Image. NIH/NLMEveryday you use or come in contact with a number of chemical substances. You may not have much information about these products, or their ingredients, manufacturers, and health effects. The National Institutes of Health maintains the Household Products Database with a wealth of information about these chemicals around you.

DiscussionCentral: Public Participation in Environmental Assessment

Posted by Sidney Draggan on August 22nd, 2008

Scientists TalkingThe National Research Council s Panel on Public Participation in Environmental Assessment and Decision Making have released—in prepublication, draft form—a report that looks at the conditions under which such participation can get ultimately to the desired outcomes expected from the impact assessment process. The report notes that

Your Air Quality, and Beijing’s

Posted by Sidney Draggan on August 18th, 2008

EPA GraphicHere is a welcome tool that is an easily-accessible indicator of your local air quality. How does your air quality compare with that in Beijing?

Visit this post often as the map updates automatically with the latest air quality forecast information.

Globally, Fifth Warmest July

Posted by Sidney Draggan on August 18th, 2008

Global Temperature Schematic. (Source: European Space Agency)According to NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, the combined average global land and ocean surface temperature for July 2008 tied with 2001 and 2003 as the fifth warmest July since worldwide records began in 1880.

Aphids: Indicators of Climate Change

Posted by Sidney Draggan on August 7th, 2008

Peach-Potato Aphid.  USDAThe Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council reports that “. . . [a]phids are emerging as sentinels of climate change . . . One of the UK’s most damaging aphids–the peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae)–has been found to be flying two weeks earlier for every 1°C rise in mean temperature for January and February combined.

DiscussionCentral: Nanotechnology Oversight

Posted by Sidney Draggan on July 24th, 2008


Yesterday, J. Clarence Davies introduced a new report that while recognizing how nanotechnology is likely to affect most things in our lives—from medicine to agriculture to industrial processes—notes that the next Federal administration must address current shortcomings in nanotechnology oversight.

Water and Forest Stressors

Posted by Sidney Draggan on July 16th, 2008

Oak Tree LandscapeThe National Research Council has released what it calls an Expert Consensus Report from its Committee on Hydrologic Impacts of Forest Management. The report notes that “. . . [m]odifications to forests’ structure and composition

Solar Concentrator Advance

Posted by Sidney Draggan on July 11th, 2008

Solar ConcentratorThe National Science Foundation (NSF) has reported on a once-abandoned technique that may allow a sophisticated, yet affordable, method to turn ordinary glass into a high-tech solar concentrator.

Frontlines of Climate Change

Posted by Sidney Draggan on July 7th, 2008

UK Govt Image - Bangladesh FloodingWith support from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Scotland Online the Frontlines of Climate Change Forum discloses community-based experiences with climate change impacts, opportunities and adaptation strategies.

Changing Climate — Extreme Weather

Posted by Sidney Draggan on July 2nd, 2008

What is an Extreme? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced the release of a report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research assessing observed and projected changes in weather and climate extremes in North America and U.S. territories.

Ecosystems: Climate Change Adaptations

Posted by Sidney Draggan on June 29th, 2008

River Inundation. Fish and Wildlife Service The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released a peer-reviewed report (”Preliminary Review of Adaption Options for Climate-Sensitive Ecosystems and Resources“) that finds climate change can increase the impact on ecosystems of such traditional stressors as pollution or habitat destruction.

DiscussionCentral: Biomonitoring

Posted by Sidney Draggan on June 24th, 2008

BiomonitoringIn its next Special Issue, the International Journal of Environment and Pollution has Biomonitoring as its focus. A wide spectrum of techniques, biological monitoring or biomonitoring involves the direct measurement of levels of chemical substances in blood, urine, breast-milk or saliva; and such other tissues as bone, teeth, skin, hair and nails.

Changing Forests

Posted by Sidney Draggan on June 13th, 2008

Forest - Forest Service

The June 13, 2008, issue of Science “. . . examines the future of the world’s forests against a backdrop of climate change and intensifying human activity.




Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing World


Time is now for energy independence


Philippine Initiative – Poised to Make the Call to Save the Mountains of the World at the Arctic (North Pole)


2009: Year of Science

Sidney Draggan

Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2009) Call for Papers


DiscussionCentral: Presidential S&T Appointments

Sidney Draggan

Agriculture and Development in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis and Food Security

Sidney Draggan

United Nations Association Film Festival - “Blue Earth - Green Earth”; October ‘08, San Francisco Bay Area


DiscussionCentral: Drinking Water—A Critical Resource

Sidney Draggan

Youth Video Contest

Sidney Draggan

2009 Thacher Scholars Award

Sidney Draggan

Contest: Trees Make a World

Sidney Draggan

DiscussionCentral: Chemicals Around You

Sidney Draggan

DiscussionCentral: Public Participation in Environmental Assessment

Sidney Draggan

Your Air Quality, and Beijing’s

Sidney Draggan

Globally, Fifth Warmest July

Sidney Draggan

Aphids: Indicators of Climate Change

Sidney Draggan

DiscussionCentral: Nanotechnology Oversight

Sidney Draggan

350org: A Call for Collaboration Among Climate Activists


Corporate Environmental Friendliness

Sidney Draggan

Water and Forest Stressors

Sidney Draggan

New publication - The $61 Million Question: How Can Transportation Enhancements Benefit Wildlife?


Solar Concentrator Advance

Sidney Draggan

Frontlines of Climate Change

Sidney Draggan

Changing Climate — Extreme Weather

Sidney Draggan
Maggie Surface

UNEP published new Atlas with Africa focus

Maggie Surface

John McConnell, Earth Day and the Earth Flag…

Earth Flag

Ecosystems: Climate Change Adaptations

Sidney Draggan

DiscussionCentral: Biomonitoring

Sidney Draggan

The dirty side of clean energy.

Jim Blair

Changing Forests

Sidney Draggan

Royal Society: New Foreign Member

Sidney Draggan

Check out the EPA’s multimedia portal

Walter Lyon

National Water Policy “ A ship with neither a Captain nor a Rudder”

Walter Lyon

National Academies on Climate Change

Sidney Draggan

Real-Time Water Quality Watch

Sidney Draggan

Scientists look back 800,000 years!


what does 80% mean?


The Daily Climate

Laura De Angelo