1. THE IMAGES AND DATA in the REGULATORY FISH ENCYCLOPEDIA (RFE) are considered the property of the United States Government and may be used for personal, research, or educational purposes. These images and data may not be copyrighted for resale or commercial purposes.

  2. The images and data presented in the Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE) have been obtained by the FDA for these specific specimens of these specific species. Where possible, authentication of species by experts outside of FDA has been obtained for the specimens presented. Users outside of the FDA must utilize these data at their own risk. In addition users outside of the FDA must validate their own use of any images or protocols herein. FDA cannot be responsible for these user validations.

  3. The specific Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) data have been obtained using IEF methodology based on AOAC Official Method(TM) 980.16. Each item of IEF data represents that result obtained for that specimen for that species under the specified conditions of IEF for that particular analysis, and associated with the authentication materials available for that specimen. As stated above, Users outside of the FDA must utilize these data at their own risk. In addition users outside of the FDA must validate their own use of any images or protocols herein. FDA cannot be responsible for these user validations.

  4. References citing the Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia or data therein should take the following form:

    "Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia, Office of Seafood and Office of Regulatory Affairs,
    Food and Drug Administration, 1993-2003."

    The RFE project is coordinated through the Seafood Products Research Center and Science Branch, Seattle District; the Office of Seafood, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition; and the Seafood Labaratory and Science Branch, San Francisco District, with participation from other FDA offices within CFSAN and the field.

  5. RFE Contacts and Acknowledgements for the Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia.

Coordinator: Dr. Brad Tenge, FDA/PAR RCC, (425) 402-3167,

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Last updated on 2002-DEC-30 by frf