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Technical Service Center
Value Engineering Program

VE Incentive Clause and VECPs


When a contractor submits a proposal under the VE Incentive Clause that reduces the cost and "gets the job done" as well or better than the original contract does, and the Government agrees, the contractor gets to keep a portion of the savings. The proposal is sent to the Contracting Officer (CO) overseeing the contract as a Value Engineering Change Proposal (VECP).

The following information must be present in the VECP submitted to the Contracting Officer:

Submit the VECP under a cover letter to the CO through the person who is responsible for overseeing the activities done during the contract. To assist you, a VECP Submittal Form with the appropriate contractor VECP issues, to be sent to the CO, is available from the CO, a local Value Program Coordinator, or this web site. Also available here is an informative fact sheet about this process.

Notes for Contracting Officers and Their Representatives

The intent of the VE incentive clause is to use contractor specific knowledge and unique equipment or staff capabilities to reduce contract costs and/or actual Government expenditures over the life of the project, program or activity. To minimize risk and potential costs to the Government, the risk of developing an idea that is not accepted by the Government is placed completely on the contractor. However, to give the contractor an incentive to make the effort, the contractor shares in the savings of an adopted VECP and can recover the reasonable development costs to create the VECP.

VECP Validity Requirements

To be considered as a valid VECP, several requirements must be met by the contractor's proposal. The proposal must:

VECP Processing

Pursuant to FAR 48.103(b), a 45 day limitation for processing completion is applied. If additional time is required, the CO or their authorized representative must notify the contractor promptly, in writing, giving the reasons for the delay and the anticipated decision date.


Waiting for decisions may slow contract work. Delays for VECP review are not compensable to the contractor. VECP processing should always receive priority treatment, including hand-carrying between same site offices and overnight mail or FAX between remote offices.

Last Modified:
Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior