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Remarks of Administrator Whitman on Brownfields Legislation

Remarks of Governor Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, at the signing of H.R. 2869, The Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

January 11, 2002

This is a great day for the environment in America. In just a few minutes, the President will sign into law the most significant piece of environmental legislation passed by this Congress, the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act.

A lot of hard work went into getting this bill to the President for his signature. I'd especially like to recognize all those at the Environmental Protection Agency who have, for the past seven years, worked so hard to make this happen.

Of course, what really made the difference is the President's leadership on brownfields. He made passage of this legislation a top environmental priority - and that's what put us over the top. Thank you, Mr. President.

This bill will give communities all across the country the tools they need to reclaim and restore thousands of brownfields - abandoned properties that are an economic and environmental drain on the neighborhoods in which they are located.

The bipartisan work on this bill honors a shared commitment to improving our environment and safeguarding the public health. With this new law, we are better able to undo the errors of the past and replace them with environmental partnerships that engage the imagination of the American people. Together, we will clean up brownfields and provide a greener and healthier future for our children and grandchildren.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, it is my high honor to present to you a great friend of the environment in America, the President of the United States.

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