OncoMouse® Agreement
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and E.I. DuPont (DuPont) have
signed an agreement on the use of DuPont's proprietary OncoMouse®
transgenic animal technology covered by the Harvard "Leder" patents. The
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) describes the terms by which the
technology can be used in research conducted by and/or supported by NIH,
without compromising DuPont's ability to receive appropriate value from
commercial applications of the technology. This agreement reinforces the
partnership between NIH and DuPont first established over a year ago
with the signing of the landmark agreement on Cre-lox technology.
The full text of the Memorandum of Understanding is available at: http://ott.od.nih.gov/pdfs/oncomouse.pdf