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NIWQP Project/Study Area—

Kendrick Reclamation Project Area

The Kendrick Project Area is in Natrona county in central Wyoming. It is located west of the city of Casper and bounded by the North Platte River on the southeast, Casper Creek on the northeast, and Casper Canal on the north and west. (Detail map pdf)

National Irrigation Water Quality Program (NIWQP) reconnaissance investigations in 1986-87 identified elevated selenium concentrations in water, sediment, and biological samples collected within and adjacent to the Kendrick Project's Casper-Alcova Irrigation District (District) boundaries, Wyoming.

A detailed study (Phase III) completed in 1990 provided additional information on the extent, severity, magnitude, effects, and exposure pathways of selenium associated with irrigation drainage. The detailed study identified adverse effects in the form of impaired reproduction and embryonic deformities in migratory aquatic birds breeding in the Kendrick Project. The detailed study also provided data essential for the development of a remediation plan for the Kendrick Project.

Remediation sites
Four wetland sites were selected for remediation: Goose Lake, Rasmus Lee Lake, Thirty-three Mile Reservoir, and Illco Pond. The selection of these sites for remediation was based on documented adverse effects to migratory aquatic birds and the potential for violations of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The District submitted a remediation plan to Reclamation in 1994 that was based primarily on improving water management and conservation. The District's proposed plan was modified by incorporating additional measures identified by NIWQP planners as necessary for viable remediation.

After evaluating all remediation alternatives, the Kendrick Core Team selected the modified District plan as the preferred alternative that would be implemented as a partnership effort between the NIWQP, Reclamation, and the District. The preferred alternative, which remained generally consistent with the District's proposal, would have resulted in elimination of Goose and Rasmus Lee Lakes and dilution of Illco Pond and Thirty-three Mile Reservoir.

As part of the preferred remediation alternative, discussions were initiated on the need for and amount of habitat that would be required to replace wetland values that would be lost at Goose and Rasmus Lee Lakes. The drying out of the lakes and the dilution flows were expected to significantly reduce or eliminate selenium hazards to migratory birds. No specific action was taken by the NIWQP to implement the preferred alternative, pending the outcome of discussions on funding options.

Changing conditions at the sites, and other factors, resulted in modifications to the original preferred plan during the preparation and review of the document.

Additional funding by the WWDC may be contingent on the implementation of the proposed Platte River Basin Habitat Recovery Plan currently being developed under the Platte River Endangered Species Partnership, a cooperative agreement between the states of Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming, and the DOI.

The Draft Environmental Assessment for the Kendrick Selenium Remediation Project addressing NEPA compliance at all four remediation sites was completed for review in 2000.

Due to uncertainty of long-term funding, the Service began advocating interim remediation measures. As a result, Reclamation and WWDC approached the District with the concept of moving forward with Illco Pond and Thirty-three Mile Reservoir plans to flush and dilute selenium concentrations using existing NIWQP funds and District labor.

The NIWQP Coordinators provided guidance in 2002 to the Core Team regarding NIWQP remediation priorities and associated work plan proposals which affected the Core Team's remediation planning strategy. Specifically, ongoing remediation construction projects and remediation planning associated with sites with endangered species impacts were given highest priority.

In 2000, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) included the four remediation site wetlands, the North Platte River downstream of the Kendrick Project, and seven tributaries and drains within the Kendrick Project in their Clean Water Act Section 303 (d) list of impaired water bodies (with selenium identified as the contaminant). (See March 2004 Status Report (PDF))

Phases 2 and 3 Data
Chemical Data From Water:
ASCII - 393 KB .dat File  or  Microsoft Excel - 1,349 KB .xls File

Bottom Material:
ASCII - 18 KB .dat File  or  Microsoft Excel - 95 KB .xls File

ASCII - 140 KB .dat File  or  Microsoft Excel - 532 KB .xls File

ASCII - 20 KB .dat File  or  Microsoft Excel - 64 KB .xls File

Project Specific Reports
Follow-up Investigation of Selenium and Other Trace Elements in Biota from the Riverton Reclamation Project, Fremont County, Wyoming. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contaminant Report Number: R6/709C/97

An Investigation of Irrigation-related Contaminants in Water, Bottom Sediment, and Biota from Goshen County, Wyoming. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contaminant Report Number: R6/711C/97.

Monitoring of Selenium Concentrations in Biota from the Kendrick Reclamation Project, Natrona County, Wyoming, 1992-1996. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contaminant Report Number: R6/714C/99. Project Pictures 1 2 3 Kendrick Core Team Members (Wyoming) Mark Spears, USBR (Team Leader) Melanie Clark, USGS Pedro Ramirez, FWS

Related Documents
Ramirez, P., Jr., and Dickerson, K., 1999, Monitoring of selenium concentrations in biota from the Kendrick Reclamation Project, Natrona County, Wyoming, 1992-1996. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Cheyenne, WY, Contaminant Report Number: R6/714C/99, 16pp.

Holz, D.D., 1994, Effects and remediation of irrigation drainage in the western US: Evaluation process to remediate selenium impacts to migratory birds at wetlands receiving irrigation drainage from Kendrick Project, WY: (abs.) in Marston, R.A. and Hasfurther, V.R., eds., Effects of Human-induced Changes on Hydrologic Systems, Am Water Resources Assoc., Proceedings of the Summer Symposium, Jackson, Wyoming, June 26-29, 1994, p. 1066.

Ramirez, P., Jr., Jennings, M., and Dickerson, K, 1994b, Selenium in fish and the aquatic bird food chain, Kendrick Reclamation Project, Natrona County, Wyoming: in Marston, R.A., And Hasfurther, V.R., Eds., Effects of human-induced changes on hydrologic systems, Am. Water Resources Assoc., Proceedings of the 1994 Summer Symposium, Jackson, Wyoming, June 26-29, 1994, p. 1043-1053.

See, R.B., Peterson, D.A., Crock, J.G., Erdman, J.A., and Severson, R.C., 1994, Detailed study of selenium in soil, representative plants, water, and bottom sediment in the Kendrick Reclamation Project Area, Wyoming, 1988-90: (abs.) In Marston, R.A., And Hasfurther, V.R., Eds., Effects of Human-induced Changes on Hydrologic Systems, Am Water Resources Assoc., Proceedings of the Summer Symposium, Jackson, Wyoming, June 26-29, 1994, p. 1067.

Klasing, S.A., 1993a, Agricultural drainage water contamination in the Kendrick Reclamation Project, Area, Wyoming: A public health perspective for selenium and selected elements: Klasing and Associates, Davis, California, 24 p.

Naftz, D.L., See, R.B. And Ramirez, P., 1993, Selenium source identification and biogeochemical processes controlling selenium in surface water and biota, Kendrick Reclamation Project, Wyoming, U.S.A.: Applied Geochemistry, v. 8, p. 115-126.

Ramirez, P., Jr., Allen, G.T., Malloy, J., 1993, Selenium in aquatic birds nesting in the Kendrick Reclamation Project, Natrona Co., Wyoming: Apparent impacts from irrigation drainwater: in Planning, rehabilitation, and treatment of disturbed lands, 6th Billings Symposium, Billings, Montana, Reclamation Res. Unit Pub. No. 9301. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. March 21-27, 1993, p. 152-159.

Ramirez, P., Jr., and Armstrong, JA, 1992, Selenium in aquatic birds inhabiting the Kendrick Reclamation project, Wyoming: Apparent impacts from irrigation drainwater: (abs.) In Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13th Annual Meeting, Abstracts of the technical sessions, Cincinnati, OH, November 8-12, 1992, p. 1.

See, R.B., Peterson, DA, and Ramirez, P. Jr., 1992, Physical, chemical, and biological data for detailed study of irrigation drainage in the Kendrick Reclamation Project Area, Wyoming, 1988-90: US Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-533, 272 p.

See, R.B., Naftz, D.L., Peterson, DA, Crock, J.G., Erdman, JA, Severson, R.C., Ramirez, P. Jr., and Armstrong, JA, 1992, Detailed study of selenium in soil, representative plants, water, bottom sediment, and biota in the Kendrick Reclamation Project area, Wyoming, 1988-90: US Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4131, 142 p.

Crock, J.G., Severson, R.C., And Erdman, JA, 1991, Water-extractable geochemical data for native and irrigated soils from the Kendrick Reclamation Project area, Wyoming 1988-89: US Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-394, 16 p.

Erdman, J. A., Severson, R. C., Crock, J. G., Harms, T. F., and Mayland, H. F., 1991, Selenium in soil and plants from native and irrigated lands at the Kendrick Reclamation Project area, Wyoming: in Severson, R. C., Fisher, S. E., Jr., and Gough, L. P., eds., Proceedings of the 1990 Billings Land Reclamation Symposium on Selenium in Arid and Semiarid Environments, western United States, Billings, Montana, March 25-30, 1990: US Geological Survey Circular 1064, p. 89-105.

Crock, J.G., Severson, R.C., And Erdman, JA, 1990, Selenium investigations at the Kendrick Reclamation Project area, Casper, Wyoming: (abs.) In Inter. Conf. on Metals in Soils, Waters, Plants, and Animals, Orlando, FL, Apr. 30-May 3, 1990.

Crock, J.G., Erdman, JA, and Severson, R.C., 1990, USGS/DOI irrigation drainage studies, Kendrick, Wyoming: (abs.) In Gough, L.P., editor, Environmental Forum 1990: Geoscience investigations that emphasize chemical, physical, and biological ecosystem processes: US Geological Survey Open-File Report. 90-288, p. 21.

Crock, J.G., Severson, R.C., Erdman, JA, Harms, T.F., And Mayland, H.F., 1989, Selenium in soils and plants from native and irrigated lands at the Kendrick Reclamation Project area, Wyoming: (abs.) In Amer. Water Res. Assoc., Wyom. Section Meeting, Oct. 12-13, 1989.

Crock, J.G., Severson, R.C., And Erdman, JA, 1989, Selenium in soils and vegetation at the Kendrick Reclamation Project area, Wyoming: (abs.) In Pederson, G. L., and Smith, M. M. compilers, US Geological Survey Second National Symposium on Water Quality: Abstracts of the technical sessions, Orlando, Florida, November 12-17, 1989, US Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-409, p. 14.

Erdman, JA, Severson, R.C., Crock, J.G., Harms, T.F., And Mayland, H.F., 1989, Selenium in soils and plants from native and irrigated lands in the Kendrick Reclamation Project Area, Wyoming: US Geological Survey Open-File Report. 89-628, 28 p.

Naftz, D.L., Brooks, R., Erdman, JA, Crock, J.G., Severson, R.C., And Tuck, L.K., 1989, Source areas and processes controlling selenium in surface water within the Kendrick Reclamation Project Area, Wyoming: (abs.) Amer. Water Res. Assoc., Wyom. Section Meeting, Cheyenne, WY, Oct. 12-13, 1989.

Severson, R.C., Crock, J.G., And Erdman, JA, 1989, Lateral and depth variability in chemical composition of soil at the Kendrick Reclamation Project Area, Wyoming: US Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-470, 27 p.

Severson, R.C., Erdman, JA, Crock, J.G., And Harms, T.F., 1989, Listing of geochemical data and assessment of variability for plants and soils at the Kendrick Reclamation Project Area, Wyoming: US Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-652, 62 p.

Peterson, DA Jones, W.E., And Morton, A.G., 1988, Reconnaissance investigation of water quality, bottom sediment, and biota associated with irrigation drainage in the Kendrick Reclamation Project area, Wyoming, 1986-87: US Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4255, 57 p.

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