From: Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 6:13 PM To: Subject: Please help! RE: Petition/Docket 98P-0151/CP1 In the interests of human health and safety, and for the sake of treating suffering animals humanely, I ask the USFDA to ban the slaughter of downed animals entirely--for the good of animals and for the good of humans. It is impossible to move downed cattle humanely; instead, they are typically pushed with tractors or dragged with chains, causing injuries ranging from bruises and abrasions to broken bones and ligaments. And recent evidence shows that some downed animals may be afflicted with a form of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease), a condition that is linked to a fatal illness in humans. Therefore, I ask you to ban the sale of downed animals and mandate their immediate and humane euthanasia by a qualified DVM. Sincerely, R Reichert Florida