From: Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 7:52 PM To: Subject: Methylmercury Contamination of Fish, FDA Docket No. OOP-1411/CP 1 Food and Drug Administration, Dockets Management Branch 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061 Rockville, MD 20857 Dear Food and Drug Administration, Dockets Management Branch, I am writing today to ask you to please help protect America's kids from birth defects caused by contaminated fish. Each year more than 60,000 children are born at risk for neurological problems due to exposure to low-level methylmercury from seafood eaten by their mothers, according to the National Academy of Sciences. That is totally unacceptable. Consumers know that fish can be important in a healthy diet. But that is only true if the fish doesn't contain chemical hazards. You need to act now to tighten FDA's allowable exposure level so it is consistent with the standard that the EPA and National Academy of Sciences recommend. Then you need to increase the agency's monitoring and remove seafood from the market that violates this new, tougher standard. I support the petition by the Center for Science in the Public Interest to take these steps. Approve the petition and give fish consumers a break from this poison, please! We also need to come to grips with the sale and use of mercury worldwide. In a recent article in Chemical & Engineering News magazine (2/5/01, pp 21-24) the shipment of 130 tons of mercury by HoltraChem from the US to India hightlighted the potential problems of selling mercury to a country where environmental protection may not be as tight as ours. Even though India has a legitimate use for the mercury, it doesn't make any sense to me to spread a toxic element worldwide. Let's keep it in storage where it won't contaminate anything. Sincerely, Robert Sapp 1905 Walden Ct. Columbia, Missouri 65203