From: Katharine Gale [] Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 7:03 PM To: Subject: re: dockets 00N-1396 and 00D-1598 Dear FDA Commissioner: As an American consumer I believe I have a right to know what is in the food I eat and to know that food manufacturers and biotech companies are not making irreversible and untested changes to the food supply. I do not believe the FDA should permit the marketing of genetically modified foods without long-term testing of their effects on humans, and on other crops. Once the food supply is contaminated it is too late to go back. In addition, it is unacceptable that any modified food should be sold without explicit labeling to that effect. Voluntary labeling is not sufficient. I urge you to enact regulations that require long-term testing by independent organizations of any modified food to be brought to market and clear and mandatory labeling of all modified foods. Thank you for your consideration, Katharine Gale 1415 California Street Berkeley, CA 94703