From: Bill Murphy [] Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:34 PM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 Despite consumer concern and demand, the FDA has failed to require health and ecological safety testing as well as mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods. As with other product labeling, the public has a right to know what it is consuming. * The FDA must require mandatory pre-market comprehensive environmental review before introduction into the food chain. * The FDA must require mandatory pre-market long-term health testing on humans. * The FDA must require mandatory labeling of all GE products. A number of other countries have found this type of food manipulation questionable enough to ban it altogether, despite its potential for good. GMO's should never have been allowed into the public food supply without first assessing any potential negative impact and informing consumers. US citizens, who must entrust their welfare in this case to the FDA, were offered neither a choice nor a hearing about this highly controversial issue. Thus, I must respectfully and emphatically request that the FDA immediately exercise the same due diligence and effort toward discovery and regulation of genetically engineered foods as it has toward tobacco, in the name of public health and safety. Sincerely, William Murphy