From: Colin Lingle [] Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 6:18 PM To: Subject: Reject Weak Regulations FDA Commissioner Jane Henney Dockets Management Branch (HFA305) Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fisher's Lane, Room 1061 Rockville, MD 20852 Dear Commissioner Henney, I am deeply troubled about the proposed FDA "regulations" for genetically modified crops. Products under FDA supervision are not "safe until proven otherwise." There are too many examples where this kind of thinking has backfired and the people who pay the price are not the large corporations, but tens of thousands -- if not hundreds of thousands -- individuals whose health will be compromised unless people such as yourself are vigilant in upholding strict standards and principles. I am a survivor of thyroid cancer. After my diagnosis, I learned that the potential sources of this disease are so varied -- including chemical, medical, or old-fashioned biological causes -- that it is usually impossible to tell where this disease is coming from. Many of the potential factors are from industrial and medical substances that are so pervasive in our environment that doctors don't even bother to try and find a cause. They simply cut open your neck and remove the deadly tissue growing there. Likewise, leading researchers at the country's top cancer research center admit that they have no idea why the incidence of thyroid cancer is increasing. They only know that the statistics show a dramatic and alarming rise in the number of cases each year. Whatever the cause of my particular disease, it would seem to me that the FDA has a responsibility to exercise its power to the fullest extent in protecting individuals from potentially calamitous effects of unknown biological engineering. The very least your office can do to protect public health is to support appropriate labeling of all genetically modified foods now on the market, and to put a stop to the marketing of new products that have not been proven safe in long range tests. Without this information, millions of people will eventually have no way of knowing what they are putting into their bodies, no way to make informed choices about how they wish to live. As this is already a serious problem in this country, I would urge you not to permit the agricultural/biotech lobby to compound the problem. I request that you reject the proposed "regulations" that permit only voluntary labeling of genetically engineered food. Authentic work needs to be done in informing and educating the public. If you let agribusiness set the rules now, it will be too late for another generation of Americans. Sincerely, Colin Lingle Brooklyn, New York _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at