From: Sara Halpern [] Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 2:38 PM To: Subject: dockets I am writing with immenent concern about the FDA's review of genetically engineered foods. As a concious consumer I feel it is my right to know where my food comes from and how it is made. I cannot afford to buy all of the organic products that I prefer, but am outraged by the fact that I will not be able to distinguish if it is genetically altered. This is huge disservice to American consumers! If in your opinion there is no harm in genetically engineered food, than what is the harm in labeling it so? Please take this concern to heart. For the betterment of the public, please label the GE food just as organic food is clearly labeled. Thank you, Sara Halpern 24 years old _______________________________________________________ Send a cool gift with your E-Card