From: Bernard Clendenin [] Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 10:26 AM To: Subject: dockets 00N-1396 and 00D-1598 To: FDA Re: Genetically Modified Food Regulations Your proposal for rules governing regulation of genetically modified(GM) foods is insufficient to protect me and my family. Without clear labeling of GM foods, you are eliminating my right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"; I cannot make the decision on whether GM foods are a risk that I wish to take or not on behalf of my family. You are making the decision. If you are wrong, several years later, I will bear the consequence for your mistake. In this new era of Republican control, it is completely contrary to force me to accept the government definition of safe food. Put teeth into the regulations! Clearly label all GM foods and let me make the decison for my family! Bernard D. Clendenin