From: Heather Stevens [] Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 7:08 PM To: Subject: GE Foods I am very disturbed that the FDA has not banned GE foods until further research can be done regarding their safety. They should not be on the market or fed to animals at all until we can be certain that they won't cause problems for our health or to the environment. As a person with many allergies I am very concerned that I will eat a GE food that contains something from a plant or food I am allergic to. It is inappropriate for the FDA to make americans the experimental group in a study in which the Europeans have had the good sense to remain the control group. We Americans don't even have the choice of participating in this study by chosing non GE foods as the FDA refuses to mandate labeling. It strikes me that too many folks in the FDA are in bed with the industries that stand to make big $ off GE production. This is also inappropriate. It's time you as an agency did what we pay you to do, not what corporate america pays you to do. Protect our Health Now! Heather Stevens 235 S. Running Creek Cove, Whittier, NC 28789