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Reaching At-Risk Audiences and Today's Other Food Safety Challenges
Presentations are listed alphabetically by the last name of the speaker or lead author. Posters done as custom-sized PowerPoint slides (PPT) are offered in their original format.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
Adams-King, Janice. Effective Food Safety Messages and Delivery Mechanisms for Transplant Recipients and Their Caregivers. (PDF Only)

Adams-King, Janice. I'm Healthy, I'm Pregnant, Why am I At-Risk? Key Food Safety Messages and Communications Channels for Pregnant Women. (PDF Only)

Anderson, Janet. Children Fight BAC!® (PDF Only)

Anderson, Jennifer. Research Methods and Strategies: Evaluating the Impact of Educational Programs. (PDF Only)

Anderson, Jennifer, Sheryl C. Cates, Laura Green. Research Methods and Strategies. (PDF Only)

Arendt, Susan W. and Jeannie Sneed. Motivators for College-Age Foodservice Employees to Follow Safe Food Handling Practices. (PDF Only)

Aune, Patricia E. Together, Sharing Food Safety in American Indian Communities. (PDF Only; 548kb)

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Babcock, David. The Liability for Foodborne Illness: Who is Responsible? (PDF Only)

Barlow, Kristina. Explaining the FSIS Sampling Program for E. coli O157:H7 in Raw Ground Beef. Poster. (PPT Only)

Barrett, Betsy and Lynn D. Riggins. HACCP-Based Programs in Childcare Centers. (PDF Only)

Beattie, Sam and Jeannie Sneed. Restaurant Consumers' Concern for Food Safety and Their Willingness to Pay Extra for Food Safety. (PDF Only)

Benjamin, Georges C. Engaging the Public: Reducing the Disease Burden. (PDF Only; 617kb)

Bihn, Elizabeth A. and Robert B. Gravani. A Food Safety Education Program for Farm Workers and Their Families. (PDF Only)

Bird, Nora J. and Claire R. McInerney. Reaching Out With the Web: Evaluation of Food Safety Website Quality. (PDF Only; 545kb)

Bock, Nancy, Julia Smith-Easley, Michele Samarya-Timm. Establishing Priorities: The Ongoing Momentum of the Clean Hands Coalition. (PDF Only, 1MB)

Bowman, Jerry M. and William Fisher. The Scrub Club™: An Innovative Web-Based Program for Kids. (PDF Only; 714kb)

Briley, Margaret and Deanna Staskel. Food Safety Attitudinal and Behavioral Practices of Foodservice Personnel in Texas Childcare Centers. (PDF Only).

Brison, Cindy M. and Alice C. Henneman. Cold Pizza for Breakfast. (PDF Only; 3.0MB)

Brown, Guendoline, B. Susie Craig, Sandra M. McCurdy, Lynn C. Nakamura-Tengan. Germ City: Clean Hands, Healthy People. (PDF Only; 818kb)

Brumund, Paul. Investigating a Deadly Foodborne Illness Outbreak in a Residential Facility for the Mentally Retarded. (PDF Only)

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Cates, Sheryl C. and Katherine M. Kosa. Listeriosis Prevention for Older Adults: Motivating Behavior Change. (PDF Only)

Cates, Sheryl C., Laura Green, Jennifer Anderson. Research Methods and Strategies. (PDF Only)

Cates, Sheryl C., Val Hillers, Patricia Kendall, Lydia Medeiros. Risk Behaviors of Target Audiences. (PDF Only; 547kb)

Chapman, Benjamin. An Evaluation of Food Safety Information Transfer to Employees: One-Page Media Summary Sheets in Food Service and Retail.  (PDF Only, 1MB)

Cleary, Beth L. Safe Food Crew: An In-House Food Safety Training and Public Recognition Program. (PDF Only)

Cody, Mildred M. Fight BAC!® — 10 Years! (PDF Only)

Cody, Mildred M. What do Consumers Think about Food Safety? Do They Practice Safe Food Behaviors? What the National Surveys Say (PDF Only).

Conley, Susan. The Be Food Safe Campaign. (PDF Only)

Conley, Susan and Carol Freeman. Identifying Target Audiences and Influencing Their Safe Food Handling Behaviors: A Social Marketing Campaign. (PDF Only)

Craig, B. Susie, Guendoline Brown, Sandra M. McCurdy, Lynn C. Nakamura-Tengan. Germ City: Clean Hands, Healthy People. (PDF Only; 818kb)

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Daly, Sandra. Umu Pasifika: Food Safety for Pacific People. (PDF Only; 1.5MB)

Davidson, Marjorie. Fight BAC!® - Government and the "Partnership." (PDF Only; 1.5MB)

Davidson, Marjorie. Preventing Listeriosis From Mexican-Style Soft Cheeses in Pregnant Hispanic Women in the United States. (PDF Only)

Dorworth, Leslie E. and Robin Goettel. Fish School: Taking Stock of Risks and Benefits. (PDF Only)

Driessen, Suzanne M. and Jan L. Kelly. Retail Meat and Poultry Processing Training Modules. (PDF Only)

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Feist, Shelley R. Fight BAC!® New Program Initiatives Address Gaps in Consumer Awareness and Behavior. (PDF Only)

Fisher, William and Jerry M. Bowman. The Scrub Club™: An Innovative Web-Based Program for Kids. (PDF Only; 714kb)

Frantz, Gary "Lee." Foodservice Operator's Preparedness for Bioterrorism. (PDF Only)

Freeman, Carol and Susan Conley. Identifying Target Audiences and Influencing Their Safe Food Handling Behaviors: A Social Marketing Campaign. (PDF Only)

[Top of page]
Garden-Robinson, Julie. The Thermy™ Campaign: Increasing Food Thermometer Use Among Refugees and New Americans. (PDF Only)

Garden-Robinson, Julie and Tera L. Sandvik. Helping Teens Serve Food Safely. (PDF Only)

Garden-Robinson, Julie and Kathleen O. Slobin. Analysis of New Americans' Reports of Previous Food Handling Practices and Perceptions of Safe Food. (PDF Only)

Gerhardt, Johnathan F. and Anita M. Roy. Retail on the Half Shell. (PDF Only; 941kb)

Gleason, Jeanne. The Games, Songs, Bells, and Whistles of Food Safety. (PDF Only; 1.4MB)

Gleason, Jeanne. How to Fund Your Dreams Without Having Nightmares. (PDF Only)

Gleason, Jeanne. Spanish and Multilingual Materials for At-Risk Audiences. (PDF Only; 1.2MB)

Gleason, Jeanne, Carl K. Winter, Susan K. Hovey, Elizabeth Hoyle, Sandra McCurdy. Using Music Parodies in Food Safety Education. (PDF Only)

Goettel, Robin and Leslie E. Dorworth. Fish School: Taking Stock of Risks and Benefits. (PDF Only)

Godwin, Sandria L. Using Consumer and Laboratory Research for the Development of a Printed and Online Brochure Promoting Consumption of Safer Fruits and Vegetables. (PDF Only; 930kb)

Gordon, Joye C. Food Safety Attitudes and Food-Handling Behaviors of United States Residents 65 and Older: Areas of Concern. (PDF Only)

Gravani, Robert B. and Elizabeth A. Bihn. A Food Safety Education Program for Farm Workers and Their Families. (PDF Only)

Green, Laura, Sheryl C. Cates, Jennifer Anderson. Research Methods and Strategies. (PDF Only)

Greig, Judy D. and Ewen C.D. Todd. Outbreaks Where Food Handlers Have Been Implicated in the Spread of Foodborne Disease. (PDF Only)

[Top of page]
Harris, Craig, Andrew J. Knight, Michelle Worosz, Ewen C.D. Todd. Attitudes Toward Food Safety and the Food System. Poster. (PPT Only)

Harrison, Judy A. Using Smart Kids Fight BAC!® Computer Games to Teach Food Safety Concepts to Young Children. (PDF Only; 1.2MB)

Henneman, Alice C. and Cindy M. Brison. Cold Pizza for Breakfast. (PDF Only; 3.0MB)

Hillers, Val, Patricia Kendall, Lydia Medeiros, Sheryl C. Cates. Risk Behaviors of Target Audiences. (PDF Only; 547kb)

Hovey, Susan K., Carl K. Winter, Jeanne Gleason, Elizabeth Hoyle, Sandra McCurdy. Using Music Parodies in Food Safety Education. (PDF Only)

Hoyle, Elizabeth, Carl K. Winter, Jeanne Gleason, Susan K. Hovey, Sandra McCurdy. Using Music Parodies in Food Safety Education. (PDF Only)

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Ingham, Barbara H. Food Safety in Your Home: Computer-Based Food Safety Lessons for High Risk Audiences. (PDF Only)

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Kantor, Mark A. On-Farm Food Processing Course in Maryland: A Multi-Agency Approach. (PDF Only)

Kelly, Jan L. and Suzanne M. Driessen. Retail Meat and Poultry Processing Training Modules. (PDF Only)

Kendall, Patricia, Val Hllers, Lydia Medeiros, Sheryl C. Cates. Risk Behaviors of Target Audiences. (PDF Only; 547kb)

Knight, Andrew J. Attitudes Toward Food Safety and the Food System: Results from a National Survey. (PDF Only)

Knight, Andrew J., Michelle Worosz, Craig Harris, Ewen C.D. Todd. Attitudes Toward Food Safety and the Food System. Poster. (PPT Only)

Kosa, Katherine M. Effective Food Safety Messages and Delivery Mechanisms for Transplant Recipients and Their Caregivers. (PDF Only)

Kosa, Katherine M. and Sheryl C. Cates. Listeriosis Prevention for Older Adults: Motivating Behavior Change. (PDF Only)

Kowalcyk, Barbara. The Liability for Foodborne Illness: Who is Responsible? (PDF Only)

[Top of page]
Lando, Amy. Food Handling and Consumption Results from the FDA/FSIS Food Safety Surveys. (PDF Only; 756kb)

Lando, Amy. Food Handling Behaviors and Attitudes Among At-Risk Populations: Data From the 2006 FDA Food Safety Survey. Poster. (PDF Only; 1.9MB)

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McCurdy, Sandra M., B. Susie Craig, Guendoline Brown, Lynn C. Nakamura-Tengan. Germ City: Clean Hands, Healthy People. (PDF Only; 818kb)

McCurdy, Sandra, Carl K. Winter, Jeanne Gleason, Susan K. Hovey, Elizabeth Hoyle. Using Music Parodies in Food Safety Education. (PDF Only)

McInerney, Claire R. and Nora J. Bird. Reaching Out With the Web: Evaluation of Food Safety Website Quality. (PDF Only; 545kb)

McNiel, Pattie A. The "Magic" of Food Safety for Children. (PDF Only; 701kb)

Means, Kathy. Consumer Education: Delivering Credible Messages. (PDF Only)

Medeiros, Lydia, Val Hillers, Patricia Kendall, Sheryl C. Cates. Risk Behaviors of Target Audiences. (PDF Only; 547kb)

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Nakamura-Tengan, Lynn C., B. Susie Craig, Guendoline Brown, Sandra M. McCurdy. Germ City: Clean Hands, Healthy People. (PDF Only; 818kb)

Newton-Ward, Mike. Using an Innovative Computer-Based Social Marketing Planning Tool to Address Public Health Issues – CDCynergy-Social Marketing Edition Version 2.0. (PDF Only; 1.1MB)

[Top of page]
O'Brien, Barbara. Why Foodborne Illness Should Matter to Hispanics - A Topic Not to Be Translated From English. (PDF Only)

Olsson, Philip C. Foodborne Illness: Multiple Firewalls and Shared Responsibilities. (PDF Only)

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Rao, Vemula Sudershan. Perceptions of Women on Food Safety: A Case Study in Hyderabad, India. (PDF Only)

Rao, Ram, Jan C. Singleton, Jodi P. Williams. Integrated Food Safety Education and Research: Impacts and Impressions. (PDF Only; 1.1MB)

Riggins, Lynn D. and Betsy Barrett. HACCP-Based Programs in Childcare Centers. (PDF Only)

Roberts, Kevin R. Influence of Food Safety Training on Students' Appreciation of Food Safety Behaviors. (PDF Only)

Roy, Anita M. and Johnathan F. Gerhardt. Retail on the Half Shell. (PDF Only; 941kb)

[Top of page]
Samarya-Timm, Michele, Nancy Bock, Julia Smith-Easley. Establishing Priorities: The Ongoing Momentum of the Clean Hands Coalition. (PDF Only, 1MB)

Sandvik, Tera L. and Julie Garden-Robinson. Helping Teens Serve Food Safely. (PDF Only)

Seltzer, Howard. Food Safety for Moms-to-Be Education Campaign. (PDF Only)

Seminara, Mario. An Indirect and Direct Connection to Controlling Risks. (PDF Only)

Seminara, Mario. Using a Tiered Approach to Employee Health Guidelines to Address the Control of Norovirus in the FDA 2005 Food Code. (PDF Only; 606kb)

Singleton, Jan C., Ram Rao, Jodi P. Williams. Integrated Food Safety Education and Research: Impacts and Impressions. (PDF Only; 1.1MB)

Slobin, Kathleen O. and Julie Garden-Robinson. Analysis of New Americans' Reports of Previous Food Handling Practices and Perceptions of Safe Food. (PDF Only)

Smith DeWaal, Caroline. Outbreak Alert! Trends in Foodborne Illness Outbreaks, 1990-2004. (PDF Only)

Smith DeWaal, Caroline. Underreporting of Foodborne Illness: Strategies to Increase Awareness and Diagnosis. (PDF Only)

Smith-Easley, Julia, Michele Samarya-Timm, Nancy Bock. Establishing Priorities: The Ongoing Momentum of the Clean Hands Coalition. (PDF Only, 1MB)

Sneed, Jeannie and Catherine H. Strohbehn. Food Safety Practices and HACCP Implementation in Assisted Living for the Elderly. (PDF Only)

Sneed, Jeannie and Sam Beattie. Restaurant Consumers' Concern for Food Safety and Their Willingness to Pay Extra for Food Safety. (PDF Only)

Sneed, Jeannie and Susan W. Arendt. Motivators for College-Age Foodservice Employees to Follow Safe Food Handling Practices. (PDF Only)

Sofos, John N. Overview of Listeria monocytogenes and Listeriosis. (PDF Only; 1.2MB)

Staskel, Deanna and Margaret Briley. Food Safety Attitudinal and Behavioral Practices of Foodservice Personnel in Texas Childcare Centers. (PDF Only).

Stivers, Tori L. and Pamela D. Tom. Vibrio vulnificus Infection: A Deadly Illness in At-Risk Audiences. Poster. (PDF Only)

Strohbehn, Catherine H. and Jeannie Sneed. Food Safety Practices and HACCP Implementation in Assisted Living for the Elderly. (PDF Only)

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Todd, Ewen C.D. Challenges to Global Foodborne Disease Surveillance. (PDF Only)

Todd, Ewen C.D. Harmonizing International Regulations for Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods: Use of Risk Assessment for Helping Make Science-Based Decisions. (PDF Only)

Todd, Ewen C.D., Andrew J. Knight, Michelle Worosz, Craig Harris. Attitudes Toward Food Safety and the Food System. Poster. (PPT Only)

Todd, Ewen C.D. and Judy D. Greig. Outbreaks Where Food Handlers Have Been Implicated in the Spread of Foodborne Disease. (PDF Only)

Tom, Pamela D. and Tori L. Stivers. Vibrio vulnificus Infection: A Deadly Illness in At-Risk Audiences. Poster. (PDF Only)

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Williams, Cynthia. What Do Consumers Think About Food Safety? Do They Practice Safe Food Behaviors? What the National Surveys Say. (PDF Only)

Williams, Jodi, Jan C. Singleton, Ram Rao. Integrated Food Safety Education and Research: Impacts and Impressions. (PDF Only; 1.1MB)

Williams, Jodi, Margaret Venuto, M. Torrence. Epidemiologic Research in Food Safety. (PDF Only, 738kb)

Winter, Carl K., Jeanne Gleason, Susan K. Hovey, Elizabeth Hoyle, Sandra McCurdy. Using Music Parodies in Food Safety Education. (PDF Only)

Worosz, Michelle, Andrew J. Knight, Craig Harris, Ewen C.D. Todd. Attitudes Toward Food Safety and the Food System. Poster. (PPT Only)

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Last Modified: January 11, 2007



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