Front Matter

Contributors and Reviewers

The following persons contributed to the report by reviewing chapters or otherwise assisting in its preparation. Their help is greatly appreciated.

Stuart Anderson, National Foundation for American Policy
Robert Barnhill, University of Texas System
Bianca Bernstein, Arizona State University
Robert Bell, National Science Foundation
Charles Blue, National Science Foundation
Mark Boroush, Department of Commerce
Myles Boylan, National Science Foundation
Norman M. Bradburn, National Opinion Research Center
Irene T. Brahmakulam, Office of Management and Budget
Prudence Brown, SRI International
Patricia Campbell, Campbell-Kibler Associates
Ann B. Carlson, National Science Foundation
Christine Chalk, U.S. Department of Energy
Connie K.N. Chang, Department of Commerce
Susan Choy, MPR Associates
Beatriz Chu Clewell, Urban Institute
Suzie Dent, Higher Education Statistics Agency, Ltd., England
Doug Devereaux, Department of Commerce
Scott Doron, Southern Technology Council
Sidney Draggan, Environmental Protection Agency
Jules Duga, Battelle Memorial Institute
David Edson, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Emerson Elliott, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
John H. Evans, University of California at San Diego
William H. Farland, Environmental Protection Agency
Maryann Feldman, University of Toronto
Irwin Feller, Pennsylvania State University
Michael Finn, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Richard Florida, Carnegie-Mellon University
Patricia Flynn, Bentley College
Barbara Foorman, Department of Education
Donna Fowler, MPR Associates
Mary Frase, National Science Foundation
Carolyn L. Funk, Virginia Commonwealth University
Fred Gault, Statistics Canada
Thomas F. Gieryn, Indiana University
Mary M. Glackin, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Patrick Gonzales, Department of Education
Guillaume Grasset, French Embassy, Washington
Teresa Grimes, ORC Macro
Kim Hamilton, ipIQ, Inc.
Jim Hirabayashi, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Diana Hicks, Georgia Institute for Technology
Deh-I Hsiung, National Science Foundation
Kent Hughes, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Hal Javitz, SRI International
Jeremy Kilpatrick, University of Georgia
Jibum Kim, National Opinion Research Center
Edward B. Knipling, Agricultural Research Service
Kei Koizumi, American Association for the Advancement of Science
William Korn, University of California, Los Angeles
Barbara Kridel, MPR Associates
Conrad C. Lauterbacher, Jr., National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Mary Frances Lawlis, Statistics Canada
P. Patrick Leahy, U.S. Geological Survey
Al Link, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Susan Carol Losh, Florida State University
Lindsay Lowell, Georgetown University
Carol Lynch, University of Colorado at Boulder
Charles E. McQueary, Department of Homeland Security
Catherine Millet, Educational Testing Service
Claudia Mitchell-Kernan, University of California Los Angeles
Jane Nichols, University of Nevada, Reno
Matthew C. Nisbet, Ohio State University
John C. Olsthoorn, Canadian Biotechnology Secretariat
Jason Owen-Smith, University of Michigan
Russell Pancoast, Global Insight, Inc.
Jongwon Park, SRI International
Willie Pearson, Georgia Institute of Technology
Pierre Perolle, National Science Foundation
Susanna Hornig Priest, University of South Carolina
A.N. Rai, Ministry of Science and Technology, India
Senta Raizen, National Center for Improving Science Education/WestEd
Caird E. Rexroad, JR., Agricultural Research Service
Hans Roosendaal, University of Twente
Nilanthi Samaranayake, Pew Research Center for The People & The Press
F. M. Scherer, Princeton Univeristy
Joan Schwartz, National Institutes of Health
Kevin Shaw, Department of Energy
Kazuko Shinohara, National Science Foundation, Tokyo Office
Lana R. Skirbill, National Institutes of Health
Douglas T. Smith, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Thomas Smith, Vanderbilt University
Elizabeth Stage, Lawrence Hall of Science
Neal Stolleman, Department of Treasury
Mark Suskin, National Science Foundation, Europe Office
Larry Suter, National Science Foundation
Michael S. Teitelbaum, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Lori Thurgood, SRI International
Magda Tomasini, Ministry of Education, France
Roger Tourangeau, University of Michigan
David Trinkle, Office of Management and Budget
Bill Valdez, Department of Energy
John Van Hoewyk, University of Michigan
Ould Voffal, UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Mark J. Warshawsky, Department of Treasury
Vincent Welch, National Opinion Research Center
Charles W. Wessner, National Academies
Ilka Wiland, Federal Statistics Office, Germany
Laura Williams, ORC Macro
Andrew Wyckoff, Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development

National Science Board.