Table 7-8
Americans' acquisition of high-technology products: Selected years, 1996–2004
Variable 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004
Use a computer 58a 61 68 71 73
Have home computer 36 43 59 65 73
Go online 1 36 54 62 66
Subscribe to cable 69 67 67 66 64
Subscribe to satellite NA NA NA NA 25
Have a…
VCR 85b NA NA NA 92
DVD player NA NA 16 44 76
Cell phone 24a NA 53 64 68
Palm Pilot NA NA 5 11 14
DVR/TiVo NA NA NA 3 13

NA = not available

aJune 1995.
bFebruary 1994.

SOURCE: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, Biennial Media Consumption Survey (2004).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2006