Table 4-18
R&D performed overseas by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate and country/region: 2002
(Millions of current U.S. dollars)
  Manufacturing Nonmanufacturing
Trans- Professional,
All electronic Electrical portation scientific
Country/region industries Total Chemicals Machinery products equipment equipment Information services
All countries 21,151 18,696 4,819 642 5,278 418 5,898 507 1,237
Canada 2,345 2,272 438 25 510 13 1,170 29 16
Europe Da 11,718 3,305 488 2,175 271 4,321 260 D
France 1,480 1,386 693 38 241 20 211 D 32
Germany 3,603 3,376 259 149 683 138 1,855 3 32
Sweden 1,316 1,296 86 32 12 D D 0 D
Switzerland 405 162 48 16 48 D D 2 D
United Kingdom 3,735 3,238 1,168 140 636 14 954 38 400
Asia/Pacific 3,881 3,530 890 85 2,024 D D D D
Australia 329 286 68 5 21 130 0 28
China 646 609 33 2 D D 1 D D
Japan 1,433 1,283 732 50 375 D 25 D D
South Korea 167 149 10 11 90 2 27 8 6
Singapore 589 578 11 550 5 D 1 5
Taiwan 70 D 16 9 25 0 D D 1
Latin America/other
Western Hemisphere
Da 633 172 33 71 D 189 D D
Brazil 306 298 68 28 30 D D D 3
Mexico 284 185 49 5 2 1 D 0 D
Middle East 889 520 2 9 498 0 0 56 D
Israel 889 520 2 9 498 0 0 56 D
Africa Da 25 12 2 0 0 D

— = ≤ $500,000; D = data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual companies
NAICS = North American Industry Classification System

aCorresponding values for 2001 were $12,060 million (Europe), $562 million (Latin America/other Western Hemisphere), and $29 million (Africa).

NOTES: Preliminary 2002 estimates for majority-owned (>50%) nonbank affiliates of nonbank U.S. parents by country of ultimate beneficial owner and industry of affiliate. Expenditures included for R&D conducted by foreign affiliates, whether for themselves or others under contract. Expenditures excluded for R&D conducted by others for affiliates under contract.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad (annual series), See appendix table 4-51.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2006