Table 4-16
R&D performed by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in United States, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate and country/region: 2002
(Millions of current U.S. dollars)
    Manufacturing   Nonmanufacturing
Computer Trans- technical,
All and electronic Electrical portation scientific
Country/region industries Total Chemicals Machinery products equipment equipment   Information services
All countries 27,508 20,228 7,997 1,872 4,885 396 3,183 723 964
Canada 1,583 1,154 33 3 D D D D 41
Europe 20,735 16,151 7,514 1,605 2,653 333 2,950 482 322
France 2,620 2,026 977 29 537 124 96 209 29
Germany 5,659 5,136 1,395 1,110 79 24 2,394 D 0
Netherlands 1,773 1,684 451 164 872 2 33 0 33
Switzerland 3,295 2,770 2,506 35 20 D 0 D D
United Kingdom 5,459 3,797 2,055 63 1,112 16 289 113 D
Asia/Pacific 3,263 1,283 386 D 465 19 125 D 600
Japan D 1,218 383 63 432 19 125 D 599
Latin America/other
   Western Hemisphere
1,035 848 0 184 D D 0 0
Middle East D D D 0 57 0 0 11 0
Africa 35 D D 0 0 0 0   D 0

— = ≤ $500,000; D = data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individual companies
NAICS = North American Industry Classification System

NOTES: Preliminary 2002 estimates for majority-owned (>50%) nonbank affiliates of nonbank U.S. parents by country of ultimate beneficial owner and industry of affiliate. Expenditures included for R&D conducted by foreign affiliates, whether for themselves or others under contract. Expenditures excluded for R&D conducted by others for affiliates under contract.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (annual series), See appendix tables 4-48 and 4-49.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2006