Table 4-9
Budget authority for R&D, by federal agency and character of work (proposed levels): FY 2006
(Millions of current dollars)
        Applied    R&D share of
Total discretionary Basic    research and discretionary
Agency budget authority    Total R&D    research development budget (%)
All federal government 840,306 127,506 26,608 100,898 15.2
Department of Defense 419,341 70,789 1,319 69,470 16.9
Department of Health and Human Services 68,858 28,684 15,246 13,438 41.7
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 16,456 8,943 2,199 6,744 54.3
Department of Energy 23,441 7,430 2,762 4,668 31.7
National Science Foundation 5,606 3,756 3,480 276 67.0
Department of Agriculture 19,366 1,876 788 1,088 9.7
Department of Homeland Security 29,342 1,257 112 1,145 4.3
Department of Commerce 9,403 924 71 853 9.8
Department of Transportation 11,815 789 41 748 6.7
Department of Veterans Affairs 31,274 786 315 471 2.5
Department of Interior 10,643 579 30 549 5.4
Environmental Protection Agency 7,571 569 70 499 7.5
Other 187,190 1,124 175 949 0.6

SOURCE: U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2006 (2005).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2006