Table 3-20
Foreign-born proportion of total with S&E highest degrees, by field and level of highest degree: 2003
    Highest degree
Field All degree levels Bachelor's Master's Doctoral
All S&E  18.9 15.2 27.2 34.6
Engineering 26.7 21.5 38.3 50.6
Chemical 25.7 17.5 49.2 47.0
Civil 24.9 19.7 39.5 54.2
Electrical 34.0 28.1 45.9 57.0
Mechanical 22.9 19.5 34.2 52.2
Life sciences 16.7 12.6 21.2 36.2
Agriculture 11.7 8.8 15.6 32.7
Biological sciences 19.1 14.7 23.9 37.4
Mathematics/computer sciences 25.8 19.3 40.4 47.5
Computer sciences 29.9 22.3 46.5 57.4
Mathematics 18.5 14.4 25.2 43.1
Physical sciences 23.0 16.9 28.9 36.9
Chemistry 25.5 18.2 42.0 37.0
Geosciences 11.4 8.3 13.0 26.2
Physics/astronomy 32.2 26.6 34.4 40.1
Social sciences 11.5 10.8 13.3 16.9
Economics 21.6 19.7 30.5 31.5
Political science 11.0 9.5 17.1 24.2
Psychology 9.7 10.1 8.5 9.8
Sociology/anthropology 7.2 6.7 10.2 13.6

SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT), preliminary estimates (2003),

Science and Engineering Indicators 2006