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  What is the maximum amount of taxable earnings for each year?
  You said in the Statement that there is a maximum amount of earnings each year that I pay Social Security tax on. I know the maximum is $106,800 for 2009. What was it in earlier years?

When you have wages or self-employment income that is covered by Social Security, you pay Social Security taxes each year up to a maximum amount that is set by law. That amount has changed frequently over the years. The maximum earnings for each year since Social Security taxes were first collected in 1937 are shown below. If you earned more than the maximum in any year but had only one job, the amount shown in the "Your Taxed Social Security Earnings" column will be just the maximum amount. If you had more than one job, the total that is recorded may be more than the maximum. However, only the maximum amount will be used to calculate your benefit estimates.

The 2009 maximum earnings amount is $106,800 and was $102,000 in 2008.

NOTE: When you have more than one job in a year, each of your employers must withhold Social Security taxes on your wages without regard to what the other employers may have withheld. You may then end up with total Social Security taxes withheld that exceed the maximum.

Example: In 2008, you worked at company A and earned $60,000. At company B, you earned $51,000. Together, Social Security taxes on $111,000 were withheld for the year, but the maximum taxable earnings for 2008 were only $102,000.You can claim a refund of the excess taxes that were withheld when you file your 2008 personal income tax return with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in 2009.


History of the maximum wage contribution base
Year Amount
1937-50 $3,000
1951-54 3,600
1955-58 4,200
1959-65 4,800
1966-67 6,600
1968-71 7,800
1972 9,000
1973 10,800
1974 13,200
1975 14,100
1976 15,300
1977 16,500
1978 17,700
1979 22,900
1980 25,900
Year Amount
1981 $29,700
1982 32,400
1983 35,700
1984 37,800
1985 39,600
1986 42,000
1987 43,800
1988 45,000
1989 48,000
1990 51,300
1991 53,400
1992 55,500
1993 57,600
1994 60,600
1995 61,200
Year Amount
1996 $62,700
1997 65,400
1998 68,400
1999 72,600
2000 76,200
2001 80,400
2002 84,900
2003 87,000
2004 87,900
2005 90,000
2006 94,200
2007 97,500
2008 102,000



Note: Amounts for 1937-74 and for 1979-81 were set by statute; all other amounts were determined under automatic adjustment provisions of the Social Security Act.


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