Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service

2005 Archives 2004 Archives 2003 Archives 2002 Archives 2001 Archives 2000 and 1999 Archives Return to PECAD

2003 Archives

12/24 Ukraine:  Sown Winter Grain Area Down from Last Year.  
12/17 EU-15: Winter Update.  
12/17 Iran: Bumper Crops Followed by Positive Start to New Season.  I
12/17 Middle East and Turkey: Warmer Than Normal and Plenty of Moisture
12/2   Poland: Agricultural Case Study.  
12/2   NASA Earth Observatory:  Fall Crops Fail to Emerge in UK


11/26 China: Wheat Update.
11/25 Georgia: Crop Production. 
11/25 Global Durum Wheat: Production Is Up for 2003/04.
11/19 Mexico: 2003 Rice Crop Slightly Better Than 2002
11/19 India: 2003/04 Rice Harvest Makes Way for Rabi Season Crops
11/19 India: 2003/04 Rapeseed Production Increased.  
11/19 Malaysia: High Rainfall in Third Quarter 2003 Favorable for Palm Oil Production 
11/19 China: Excessive Rainfall and Flooding Damaged Crops and Delayed Fieldwork
11/13 California Fires: Review with Satellite Imagery
11/13 EU-15: Grain Forecast by Country.  
11/13 Brazil: Gearing-Up for a Potentially Record-Breaking Soybean Season.  
11/13 Russia: Lower Area, Good Conditions for Winter Grains.  
11/13 California Fires: Review with Satellite Imagery
11/4   Rapeseed Production May Benefit from New EU Directive. 

10/31 Argentina: Prices Favor Soybeans and Sunflowers
10/21 China Imagery Pages
10/2   EU-15: Cotton Production Summary
10/2   Maps and Satellite Imagery Analysis of Cotton in Greece and Spain.


9/23 EU: Biodiesel Industry Expanding Use of Oilseeds
9/22 Just Add Water: A Modern Agricultural Revolution in the Fertile Crescent.
9/22 West African Franc Zone: Bumper Cotton Harvest Expected.
9/12 Canada: Third Year of Low Yields on the Prairie
9/12 Australia: Winter Wheat Yield Potential Increases  
9/12 Former Soviet Union Harvest Progress.
9/12 EU-15: Summer Crops Suffer from Heat and Drought.

8/28 2003 Monsoon Not Overwhelming Mexico But Prospects Remain Good
8/13 Central Europe's Dwindling 2003/04 Crop
8/13 Malaysia: Despite Mixed Rainfall Picture, Palm Oil Production Rises
8/13 EU-15: Grain Forecast by Country
8/5   South Africa: Dry Conditions for Wheat Crop

7/31 India: Karif Peanut Production Improves
7/15 Argentina: Peanut Production Increases
7/15 Russia: Wheat Output to Drop 33 Percent
7/14 Australia: 2003/04 Cotton Production Forecast Below Average
7/14 Mexico: 2003 Monsoon Not Yet Panacea for Trend To Dryness
7/14 EU-15: 2003 Oilseed and Rice Forecast by Country
7/14 Canada: Crop Condition Update

6/20 North and South Korea: Situation Update, June 2003.
6/13 Afghanistan: Crop Condition Update
6/19 Germany: Field Travel Reveals Conditions and Trends
6/13 Iraq: Crop Condition Update

5/29 Jamaican Farmers Pause to Assess Storm Damage After Heavy Rainfall.
5/29 Ukraine:  Field Trip Photographs. 
5/28 Russia: Winter Grain Conditions Considerably Below Last Year (updated)  
South Africa:  Irrigated Corn Increases. 
5/23 Ukraine: Extensive Damage to Winter Wheat
5/16 Australian Wheat Production to Rebound
5/15 Heavy Rains in Argentina Delay Soybean Harvest
5/13 EU-15: Grain Forecast by Country
 Few Barriers to Profitable Dominican Rice Sector 

4/15  Argentina: Record Corn Yields Forecast
4/15  Ukraine:  Delayed Spring Hampers Wheat Development
4/15  Uzbekistan:   Winter Grain Conditions 
4/02  Northwest Africa: Winter Grain Conditions
4/01  China: Soy Producers Face Shifting Internal Policies and World Markets

3/31  Central and Eastern Europe: Winter Crop Situation
3/26  Tanzania: Dry Conditions in North
Ukraine Winter Grain Prospects
3/18  South Africa's Corn Production Time Series Increased
3/18  Crop Tour Within South Africa's Maize Triangle
3/3   China Wheat Situation 

2/27  Afghanistan- Heavy Rains Arrive but More Needed
Argentina's Hot Weather Has Minimal Effect on Crop Production
2/13  Malaysia: Below- Normal Rainfall May Reduce Palm Oil Production
2/13  Brazil: Higher Yields Propel Soybean Crop Upward 

01/29  Southern Florida Escapes the Freeze 
01/24  Brazil:   Future Agricultural Expansion Potential Underrated
01/21  Iraq:  Crop Production.
01/15  Mexico:  Dry Bean Future Under Pressure.
01/14  Poor Planting Conditions in South Africa 
01/14  EU Enlargement:  Polish Farm Consolidation Quickens as EU Accession Approaches.
01/13  EU Enlargement:   Eastern Germany Crop Yield Increases Herald Changes in Central Europe. 
01/03  Northwest Africa: Abundant Autumn Rains Help Grain Crop


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Updated: October 21, 2005

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