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February 11, 2000


Argentina is continuing to receive timely and beneficial rainfall throughout most of the growing areas this season. Soybean output for 1999/2000 is raised this month by 0.5 million tons to 19.5 million, while corn is unchanged at 15.5 million. Soybean harvested area is forecast at a record 8.0 million hectares and corn is up 22 percent from last season at 3.1 million.

As of February 4, soybean planting was virtually complete, while corn sowing was nearing completion, according to the Argentina Agricultural Secretariat. After dryness caused planting delays early in the season, significant progress was made in January as crops began receiving beneficial rainfall across the major corn and soybean production areas. Cumulative precipitation from September through the end of January indicates pockets of dryness still exist in Santa Fe and Entre Rios (Figure 1). However, rainfall during January boosted soil moisture in Buenos Aires and north and central Santa Fe provinces, thereby stabilizing or improving yield prospects (Figure 2). Rainfall was adequate in January for over 90 percent of the corn and soybean crops, while about 5 percent of the total area (mostly Entre Rios) had much below normal precipitation.

An analysis of satellite imagery (AVHRR) and the derived composite vegetative index (NDVI) indicates healthy vegetation (corn and soybeans) in Cordoba and western Buenos Aires provinces, and less vigorous vegetation in parts of Santa Fe and Entre Rios provinces. (Figure 3).

For more information, contact Maria Anulacion with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 690-0139 or by e-mail at AnulacionM@fas.usda.gov.


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