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Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Genus Calamagrostis Adans.

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Up to the Kingdom
Kingdom  Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom  Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision  Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division  Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class  Liliopsida – Monocotyledons
Subclass  Commelinidae
Order  Cyperales
Family  Poaceae – Grass family
Genus  Calamagrostis Adans. – reedgrass P
Contains 37 Species and 38 accepted taxa overall
Down one level
Species  Calamagrostis ×acutiflora (Schrad.) Rchb. – feather reed grass P
Species  Calamagrostis alba (J. Presl) Steud. P
Species  Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth P
Species  Calamagrostis avenoides (Hook. f.) Cockayne – mountain oat grass P
Species  Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. – Bolander's reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis breweri Thurb. – shorthair reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis cainii Hitchc. – Cain's reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv. – bluejoint P
Variety  Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv. var. canadensis – bluejoint P
Variety  Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv. var. langsdorffii (Link) Inman – bluejoint P
Variety  Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv. var. macouniana (Vasey) Stebbins – Macoun's reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis canescens (Weber ex F.H. Wigg.) Roth – purple smallreed P
Species  Calamagrostis coarctata (Torr.) Eaton – arctic reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis deschampsioides Trin. – circumpolar reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth – chee reedgrass P
Subspecies  Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth ssp. epigeios – chee reedgrass P
Subspecies  Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth ssp. glomerata (Boiss. & Buhse) Tzvelev – chee reedgrass P
Subspecies  Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth ssp. macrolepis (Litv.) Tzvelev [excluded] – chee reedgrass P
Subspecies  Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth ssp. meinshausenii Tzvelev [excluded] – chee reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis expansa (Munro ex Hillebr.) Hitchc. – Maui reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis foliosa Kearney – leafy reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis hillebrandii (Munro ex Hillebr.) Hitchc. – Hillegrand's reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis holmii Lange – Holm's reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis howellii Vasey – Howell's reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis koelerioides Vasey – fire reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis ×kolymensis Kom. (pro sp.) [excluded] P
Species  Calamagrostis lapponica (Wahlenb.) Hartm. – lapland reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis leonardii Chase [excluded] P
Species  Calamagrostis montanensis Scribn. ex Vasey – plains reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis nutkaensis (J. Presl) J. Presl ex Steud. – Pacific reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis ophitidis (J.T. Howell) Nygren – serpentine reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis perplexa Scribn. – wood reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis pickeringii A. Gray – Pickering's reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis porteri A. Gray – Porter's reedgrass P
Subspecies  Calamagrostis porteri A. Gray ssp. insperata (Swallen) C.W. Greene – Porter's reedgrass P
Subspecies  Calamagrostis porteri A. Gray ssp. porteri – Porter's reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis pseudophragmites (Haller f.) Koeler P
Species  Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br. – purple reedgrass P
Variety  Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br. var. purpurascens – purple reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis purpurea (Trin.) Trin. P
Subspecies  Calamagrostis purpurea (Trin.) Trin. ssp. phragmitoides (Hartm.) Tzvelev P
Species  Calamagrostis rubescens Buckley – pinegrass P
Species  Calamagrostis scopulorum M.E. Jones – ditch reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis sesquiflora (Trin.) Tzvelev – one and a half flower reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler – slimstem reedgrass P
Subspecies  Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler ssp. inexpansa (A. Gray) C.W. Greene – northern reedgrass P
Subspecies  Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler ssp. stricta – slimstem reedgrass P
Variety  Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler ssp. stricta var. borealis (Laest.) Hartm. P
Variety  Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler ssp. stricta var. stricta – slimstem reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis tweedyi (Scribn.) Scribn. ex Vasey – Tweedy's reedgrass P
Species  Calamagrostis varia (Schrad.) Host P
Species  Calamagrostis viridiflavescens (Poir.) Steud. P
Variety  Calamagrostis viridiflavescens (Poir.) Steud. var. montevidensis (Nees) Kaempf P

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