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Ozone (O3) Standards -
Documents from Review Completed in 2008 -
Staff Papers

Information provided for informational purposes only Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful for historical purposes. See the Ozone Standards Home Page for documents from the current review of the Ozone NAAQS.

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File Date

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Final Staff Paper, Updated July 2007, EPA report No. EPA-452/R-07-007a Jul 2007 PDF file
9.5 MB
Final Staff Paper (appendices), Updated July 2007, EPA report No. EPA-452/R-07-007b Jul 2007 PDF file
4.2 MB
Final Staff Paper, January 2007 Jan 2007 PDF file
16.9 MB
Final Staff Paper (appendices), January 2007 Jan 2007 PDF file
3.5 MB
Fact Sheet for Final Staff Paper, January 2007 Jan 2007 PDF file
44 KB
Second Draft Staff Paper, Errata for Chapters 3 and 7 Aug 2006 PDF file
14 KB
Second Draft Staff Paper, Corrected Chapter 3 Aug 2006 PDF file
848 KB
Second Draft Staff Paper, Revised figures 7-3 to 7-5 and 7-11 for Chapter 7 Aug 2006 PDF file
139 KB
Second Draft Staff paper, July 2006
(includes chapter 6)
Jul 2006 PDF file
6.0 MB
Second Draft Staff paper (appendices), July 2006
(includes appendix 4A)

Jul 2006 PDF file
2.8 MB
Second Draft Staff Paper (chapters 1-5, 7-8), July 2006

Jul 2006 PDF file
5.4 MB
Second Draft Staff Paper (appendices)
Jul 2006 PDF file
2.7 MB
Fact Sheet for Second Draft Staff Paper, July 2006 Jul 2006 PDF file
31 KB
First Draft Staff Paper, November 2005 Nov 2005 PDF file
5.4 MB
Fact Sheet for First Draft Staff Paper, November 2005 Nov 2005 PDF file
39 KB

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