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ACTT Workshop: Iowa/Illinois
I-74 Corridor Study - Bridging the Future

Appendix C (continued): Skill Set Recording Forms
Public Involvement

Public Involvement Team
Facilitator: Ingrid Teboe, Iowa DOT
FHWA National Experts: David Buck, Maryland DOT
Illinois DOT, Iowa DOT, Local FHWA or Local Experts: Ross Monk, Illinois DOT
Mark Nardini, Illinois DOT
Cathy Cutler, Iowa DOT
Lu Funnell, Iowa DOT
Idea (Short Name) Idea (Detailed Description) Implementation Details (Barriers, Skill Set Coordination, etc.)
ITS (personal Mapquest)
  • Use software or program to plan trips or routes from a public website.
  • Setting boundaries, setting up the system, addressing the learning curve for users, using it on a home computer off the public website.
  • There could be problems with GPS not being integrated into construction.
  • 511 is not updated quickly enough.
Staffed project office
  • Set up a staffed location at the mall or a local area for people to come, learn about the project, and receive maps and trip advice.
  • Post ROD: use two people from 8-5, and have updated progress pictures.
  • Broadcast construction and project information on the radio.
  • There are problems with frequency changes and boundaries. Check with the ITS group.
Real-time traffic
  • Use cameras and overhead message boards.
  • Need to know detour routes and provide for advance planning so that individuals can make route choices.
  • The cameras feed to the communication center, and information is fed back to the public.
  • Traffic information providers are good source contacts.
  • Work with incident management team.
  • Provide for weather channel/traffic reporter coordination (ticker).
Public access television
  • Use to show project videos and local traffic reporting service information.
Construction call-in line
  • Have it be different than the current 800 number, and encourage callers to leave a message.
  • Promise a call back within 24 hours.
  • Provide information a week ahead.
  • Have regular traffic updates.
Breakfast with officials
  • Schedule regular (bi-monthly) breakfasts with officials.
  • Host a breakfast once every two months with key elected officials from both sides of the river.
Project spokesperson
  • Have the person on site at the project giving guided construction tours.
Guided construction tours
  • Offer boat tours.
  • Use a water taxi or channel cat (consider renting for guided tours under the bridge.)
  • Would be seasonal.
  • Target politicians, families, school groups, etc.
  • Have the project spokesperson on the boat.
Title VI targeting Hispanic groups
  • Target the Hispanic population.
  • Use schools and churches to get the word out; produce the project newsletter in Spanish.
Conversion of website from English to Spanish
  • Is not easy or cheap but is possible with a button click once it's been implemented.
Subsidized mass transit
  • Make the price of transit $1 during construction; have park and ride set up to accommodate additional commuters.
  • Make arrangements with commercial facilities (Target, for example) to utilize parking lots for overflow or carpoolers.
  • Could provide incentives for businesses as well as carpoolers.
  • Could be issues with a carpooling incentive when there is only one lane during construction.
  • Need to convince people that mass transit is as good as driving themselves.
  • Need to inform them of the worst-case scenarios and get people to understand the congestion/traffic they will experience.
Bridge bucks
  • Provide monetary incentive through employers to use alternate modes of transportation to get to work.
  • Provide incentive through bridge bucks.
  • Get employers involved, and prove the point by driving back and forth from point A to point B.
  • Encourage people to carpool or use alternate transportation.
  • Work with public transportation agencies, too.
Business hour changes
  • Promote morning work hour adjustments.
  • Work with large employers to change work times to accommodate construction.
Project slogan
  • Consider a brand for the project.
Pre-planned routing
  • Provide pre-planned routing through signal timing modifications.
  • Work with communities to get alternate routes timed to eliminate potential delays caused by additional traffic on the system; coordinate with barge for notification of barge traffic at Arsenal Bridge.
  • For IT hookups, switch to light message board letting people know that the barge is coming. Use pre-recorded messages on boards. Change messages when appropriate.
Mass transit
  • Help mass transit better promote itself.

Management of traffic expectations
  • Provide a public traffic scare.
  • Scare the public to use alternate routes and mass transit by providing worst-case scenarios and traffic projections.
  • Force people to use alternate routes, and prepare them for contingencies.
  • What goes better will make them happy.
Pieces of bridge
  • Sell pieces of the bridges as souvenirs as they're torn down.
Bridge fact sheet
  • Create a one-page fact sheet detailing why the old bridges must come down.
Project giveaways
  • Create giveaways for the public with the project logo or slogan; gesture of good will.
  • Make giveaways (keychains, foam "pressure" toys) part of the contract.
  • They could include the construction phone number and website address.
Adopt a School
  • Partner and "adopt a school."
  • Explain job opportunities; take the kids on a tour on a channel cat so that they can get closer to the stockpile and staging areas.
  • Needs buy-in from contractors and DOTs.
  • Target areas: schools, YMCAs.
Ways to Utilize Corridor Design Team
Idea (Short Name) Idea (Detailed Description) Implementation Details (Barriers, Skill Set Coordination, etc.)
Specialty spokespersons
  • Utilize individuals with specialized experience who are also media savvy to get the message across.
  • Have training in place for local experts.
  • Avoid miscommunication with public and "bad" sound bites.
Community ownership
  • Ask citizens to donate/buy piece of the old bridge or donate for the new bridge.
  • Could have their name on a stone or brick and designate that their money be used for specific purpose.
  • Honor veterans, etc. An example is
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Chris Schneider
Office of Asset Management
E-mail Chris

Joe Huerta
Resource Center (Baltimore)
E-mail Joe

This page last modified on 07/27/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration