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ACTT Workshop: Iowa/Illinois
I-74 Corridor Study - Bridging the Future

Appendix C (continued): Skill Set Recording Forms

Construction Team
Facilitator: Dean Bierwagen, Iowa DOT
FHWA National Experts: Terry Zoller, Minnesota DOT Bernie Kuta, FHWA
Illinois DOT, Iowa DOT, Local FHWA, or Local Experts: Jason Cowin, FHWA
Becky Hiatt, FHWA
John Wegmeyer, Illinois DOT
Doug Happ, Illinois DOT
Herb Jung, Illinois DOT
Dennis Smith, Iowa DOT
Mark Brandl, Iowa DOT
Kyle Frame, Iowa DOT
Contracting - Size and Number
Idea (Short Name) Idea (Detailed Description) Implementation Details (Barriers, Skill Set Coordination, etc.)
One mega super project
  • Make the entire length of the project a single super project.
  • Davis-Bacon requirements (they vary by State); union requirements; not politically popular.
One mega project plus outlying areas
  • Let bridge and approaches as a single project.
  • Davis-Bacon requirements (they vary by State); union requirements.
Three large projects plus outlying areas
  • Let five contracts. Bridge would be one contract; each approach, a separate project; key areas (downtowns and bridge) must be done simultaneously.
  • Smaller contracts tend to save money...are politically inviting.
Construction Staging
Idea (Short Name) Idea (Detailed Description) Implementation Details (Barriers, Skill Set Coordination, etc.)
Contractors' input on staging
  • Consider a modified D-B concept - solicit contractor input on staging and constructability issues.

Outlying areas done first
  • Treat north of downtown Bettendorf through 53rd Street and south of downtown Moline to Avenue of the Cities as independent projects. They can be done under typical methods.

North tie-in: downtown Bettendorf
  • Alter downtown Bettendorf: combine the oneway pair (US 67) with a temporary tie-in to the existing structure. Limits Brown Street to the bridge.
  • Skill set coordination: ROW, traffic safety, structures.
South tie-down: downtown Moline
  • Alter existing 5th Avenue to abutment south of 7th Avenue. If the State would close the Interstate to reconstruct the 7th Avenue ramp, then they could use a temporary ramp past Avenue of the Cities.
  • Skill set coordination: traffic and PR. Need to discuss the impacts associated with the northbound 7th Avenue ramp closure.
Bridge construction least critical
  • Do not need to accelerate construction, because reconstruction of the bridge is dependent on the downtown reconstruction. Consider single bridge versus dual for tie-in to allow cross-over during construction and if needed in the future.
  • Skill set coordination: structures.
General Contracting
Idea (Short Name) Idea (Detailed Description) Implementation Details (Barriers, Skill Set Coordination, etc.)
Contractor staging
  • Use the parking lot between northbound/southbound Illinois 92 for contractor staging in Illinois.
  • Skill set coordination: ROW.
  • Acquire ROW for the new northbound 67 ramps for staging in Iowa.
  • Skill set coordination: ROW.
Structure versus fill through downtown
  • Consider structure versus fill - rather than variegated (fill-structure-fill) through the approach areas. Consider the PR impacts of the aesthetics and the long-term maintenance requirements for differential settlement.

Project Management
Idea (Short Name) Idea (Detailed Description) Implementation Details (Barriers, Skill Set Coordination, etc.)
Formal partnering
  • Advocate a formal partnering agreement with a defined conflict resolution process.

DOT project manager
  • Utilize dual project managers.
  • Have one Iowa/Illinois point of contact with project offices in both States.
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Chris Schneider
Office of Asset Management
E-mail Chris

Joe Huerta
Resource Center (Baltimore)
E-mail Joe

This page last modified on 07/27/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration