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Request a Manufacturer Code

This web page provides information for vehicle or engine manufacturers seeking to obtain an EPA manufacturer code and have their company registered with EPA. See the basic information page and the questions and answers page for more information on Verify and CDX.

All companies that plan to certify vehicles or engines with EPA must first obtain a three-character EPA manufacturer code. This code will be used in each certified engine family name and provides a direct link to the certifying company. The processes are described in further detail below.

Manufacturers New to EPA Who Do Not Have a Manufacturer Code

If you are a new manufacturer who has not obtained a three-character manufacturer code from EPA, please follow the steps in the manufacturer code request instructions (PDF) (EPA420-B-08-008, 15 pp, 794K, April 2008). Obtaining a manufacturing code is done via the Agency’s Central Data Exchange (CDX). (CDX is the single point of entry for electronic environmental information submissions to the Agency.) Once you complete this process, the manufacturer code for your company will be sent to your business e-mail address.

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Manufacturers Who Already Have a Manufacturer Code, But Are New to the Verify Information System

If you are a manufacturer who obtained a manufacturer code prior to October of 2006, and now need to submit information to the Verify information system for the first time, you will need to have your manufacturer code re-issued electronically. This is a prerequisite to registering users in the Verify information system. Please follow the manufacturer code request instructions (PDF) (EPA420-B-08-008, 15 pp, 794K, April 2008).

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Establishing Individual User Accounts

Once your company has obtained a manufacturer code electronically through the above procedures and is ready to submit compliance information to EPA through the Verify information system, the next step will be to register individual users as submitters to the Verify information system. See Verify information system set up information to learn how to create your CDX accounts.

Note - If you are unsure if your manufacturer code has been obtained electronically and is ready to be used in the Verify information system please send a message to verify@epa.gov requesting clarification.

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