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National Education Association

08neatodayadrift.jpg Keep Your Classroom from Sailing Adrift

You and your class set sail a few weeks ago toward the idyll of learning, and already this journey is a mess! You've got disinterested nymphs in the front row, a whirlpool of time-wasters in the corner, and an undisciplined crew in the back. Unless you can turn this ship around, these 180 days are going to feel like the 10-year Trojan War.

Related materials
square.gif Check out these classroom management resources. 
square.gif Assess your classroom space.
square.gif Transform four bare walls into a powerful educational tool.

Ten Things You Should Know About Barack Obama 
What's his opinion on testing? How about teachers' pay? What famous musicians have his ear? His favorite food? Learn more about NEA's recommended candidate.


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Open House: When First Impressions Matter

Good first impressions make a difference, and the first open house of the school year gives administrators and teachers a chance to gain parents' support. Check out these tips for organizing a great open house.


Celebrate the International Day of Peace, September 21

Looking for a class project that educates American students about global problems and involves them in solutions? "Pennies for Peace" teaches kids about the world beyond their experience and shows them how they can change the planet, one penny at a time.

Move Over Obama,
Here Comes Dalton

While pundits rehash the speeches of the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, one nonpartisan keynote has taken educators by storm. Ten-year-old Dalton Sherman spoke at the Dallas Independent School District Believe/Achieve Back to School kickoff -- and he was a hit.

NEA's blogs:

» Works4Me -- Tips for Educators
» Joel Packer Has All the Answers -- NEA's NCLB Expert
» Ed Notes -- From NEA Today
» Education Votes -- NEA News on the Election

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Urge Congress to provide the funding needed for great public schools.

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