U. S. Office of Personnel Management
Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program

Satellite Broadcasts

These videos are now available in Windows Media format for playing in the Windows Media player already installed on most Windows-based systems.
satellite graphic
Below are links to video files of our three satellite broadcasts on the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, which were held on March 6, May 15, and July 17.

Each broadcast is available both as streaming video, which can be viewed as it is downloaded, and as zipped files which you can download now and view later. If you have a fairly fast Internet connection, you may prefer the streaming video option. Otherwise, you may prefer to download the zipped files. Note that for this option you will need software to "unzip" the files. You may already have this on your computer; if not, a variety of free software is available on the Internet.

Get a RealOne Player
Get a RealOne Player
You will need RealOne Player software to view the streaming video version. To view the zipped files, you will need either RealOne or Windows Media player (included with Microsoft Windows). You may download a FREE copy of the RealOne software by clicking on the link to the right.

Please send any comments or suggestions to insure-webmaster@opm.gov.

Some Technical Notes on Internet Streaming Video

Sending videos over the Internet requires the ability to send a large amount of data in a continuous, uninterrupted stream. It is necessary to limit the picture size for even the fastest connections, and dial-up connections can barely deliver satisfactory streaming video. If you have a dial-up connection, you may experience delays in the transmission. Also, you must use the "slow connection" version.

As the server must continuously deliver a large amount of data for each person watching a video, we must also limit the number of people who can watch a video at the same time. If you get a message that the server is busy, please try again at a different time.

RealOne Player Volume Control
To adjust the sound volume, use the volume control in the player program. You may also have a separate on-screen master volume control that comes with your workstation, and you may need to adjust this volume control also to obtain sufficient volume.

Producing a low resolution version which is clear enough to read the closed captions is a particular challenge. If you need to use this version we recommend that you also print the written transcript available from each of the video pages to help you to follow along with the video.

Satellite antenna

Page updated 26 August 2002