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Banner for Energy Use Petroleum Industry Analysis Brief
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Petroleum refining is the most energy-intensive manufacturing industry in the United States and accounts for about 7% of total U.S. energy consumption. Energy purchases from outside sources cost the industry a little over $3 billion in 1994 [MECS 1994]. This may seem low, considering that petroleum refiners are the number one energy users in manufacturing. However, a large percentage of the energy consumed in refineries is produced onsite, not purchased from outside sources. If the value of this byproduct energy were included, energy costs could be nearly $9 billion (assuming 60% of process energy is produced onsite, at a value of $3 per million Btu) [DOE 1998].

The petroleum refining industry uses energy both to supply heat and power for plant operations and as a raw material for the production of petrochemicals and other non-fuel products. According to the most recent Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS), the U.S. petroleum refining industry consumed about 6.3 quads (quadrillion Btu, or 1015 Btu) of energy in 1994.

Figure on Petroleum Refining (SIC 2911) Total Energy Use
Source: MECS 1985, 1988, 1991, and 1994

* The primary component is energy used for heat and power.
NOTE: Years prior to 1994 do not include adjustments for energy shipped offsite. Does not include losses incurred during the distribution, generation, and transmission of electricity.

Energy Use by Fuel Header
Refinery gas, natural gas, and petroleum coke account for the largest shares of energy use
Energy Use by Fuel Thumbnail
Fuel Consumption By End Use Header
Nearly 50% of energy is transformed into petroleum products
Fuel Consumption By End Use Thumbnail
Energy Consumption By Sector Header
Distillation consumes a large share of energy
Energy Consumption By Sector Thumbnail
Energy Expenditures Header
Refineries spend over $3 billion each year on purchased fuels
Onsite Generation Header
Refineries produce about 29% of electricity onsite
Onsite Generation Thumbnail
Energy Intensity Header
Energy intensity measures the energy consumed per dollar of products shipped
Energy Intensity Thumbnail

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File Last Modified: 05/05/2000

Robert Adler
Survey Manager
Phone: (202) 586-1134
Fax: (202) 586-0018

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