Northern and Southern Hemisphere Vaccine Strain Selections by Season

Northern Hemisphere vaccine strain selections, 2008-9


An A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)-like virus;
  • A/Brisbane/59/2007
HA: ISDN282676, ISDN285777
NA: ISDN285099, ISDN285100
  • A/South Dakota/06/2007
HA: ISDN276584, ISDN285779,
NA: ISDN282221, ISDN285780,

An A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2)-like virus;
  • A/Brisbane/10/2007
HA: GenBank EU199248 EU199250 EU199366
NA: GenBank EU199249 EU199420
  • A/Uruguay/716/2007
HA: ISDN276547, ISDN283237, ISDN283241,
NA: ISDN276559, ISDN283261, ISDN283266,

a B/Florida/4/2006-like virus;
  • B/Florida/4/2006
HA: ISDN261649, ISDN285778, GenBank EU100604
NA: ISDN261650, EU100661
  • B/Brisbane/3/2007
HA: ISDN256628, ISDN263782, ISDN263783,
NA: ISDN263784, ISDN263785,

A service provided on behalf of the Influenza Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Note: Some of these sequences have not been published.

Instructions are given on each entry for how to correctly acknowledge their source.