[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 25, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 25CFR226]

[Page 723]
                            TITLE 25--INDIANS
--Table of Contents
Sec.  226.29  Disposition of casings and other improvements.

    (a) Upon termination of lease, permanent improvements, unless 
otherwise provided by written agreement with the surface owner and filed 
with the Superintendent, shall remain a part of said land and become the 
property of the surface owner upon termination of the lease, other than 
by cancellation. Exceptions include personal property not limited to 
tools, tanks, pipelines, pumping and drilling equipment, derricks, 
engines, machinery, tubing, and the casings of all wells: Provided, That 
when any lease terminates, all such personal property shall be removed 
the word ``terminates''; and in the last sentence of the paragraph, 
within 90 days or such reasonable extension of time as may be granted by 
the Superintendent. Otherwise, the ownership of all casings shall revert 
to Lessor and all other personal property and permanent improvements to 
the surface owner. Nothing herein shall be construed to relieve lessee 
of responsibility for removing any such personal property or permanent 
improvements from the premises if required by the Superintendent and 
restoring the premises as nearly as practicable to the original state.
    (b) Upon cancellation of lease. When there has been a cancellation 
for cause, Lessor shall be entitled and authorized to take immediate 
possession of the lease premises and all permanent improvements and all 
other equipment necessary for the operation of the lease.
    (c) Wells to be abandoned shall be promptly plugged as prescribed by 
the Superintendent. Applications to plug shall include a statement 
affirming compliance with Sec.  226.28(b) and shall set forth reasons 
for plugging, a detailed statement of the proposed work including kind, 
location, and length of plugs (by depth), plans for mudding and 
cementing, testing, parting and removing casing, and any other pertinent 
information: Provided, That the Superintendent may give oral permission 
and instructions pending receipt of a written application to plug a 
newly drilled hole. Lessee shall remit a fee of $15 with each written 
application for authority to plug a well. This fee will be refunded if 
permission is not granted.
    (d) Lessee shall plug and fill all dry or abandoned wells in a 
manner to confine the fluid in each formation bearing fresh water, oil, 
gas, salt water, and other minerals, and to protect it against invasion 
of fluids from other sources. Mud-laden fluid, cement, and other plugs 
shall be used to fill the hole from bottom to top: Provided, That if a 
satisfactory agreement is reached between Lessee and the surface owner, 
subject to the approval of the Superintendent, Lessee may condition the 
well for use as a fresh water well and shall so indicate on the plugging 
record. The manner in which plugging material shall be introduced and 
the type of material so used shall be subject to the approval of the 
Superintendent. Within 10 days after plugging, Lessee shall file with 
the Superintendent a complete report of the plugging of each well. When 
any well is plugged and abandoned, Lessee shall, within 90 days, clean 
up the premises around such well to the satisfaction of the 

[39 FR 22254, June 21, 1974. Redesignated at 47 FR 13327, Mar. 30, 1982, 
as amended at 55 FR 33115, Aug. 14, 1990]

                         Requirements of Lessees