[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 25, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 25CFR212]

[Page 657-659]
                            TITLE 25--INDIANS
                            Subpart A_General
Sec.  212.3  Definitions.

    As used in this part, the following words and phrases have the 
specified meaning except where otherwise indicated:

[[Page 658]]

    Applicant means any person seeking a permit, lease, or an assignment 
from the superintendent or area director.
    Approving official means the Bureau of Indian Affairs official with 
delegated authority to approve a lease or permit.
    Area director means the Bureau of Indian Affairs official in charge 
of an area office.
    Authorized officer means any employee of the Bureau of Land 
Management authorized by law or by lawful delegation of authority to 
perform the duties described herein and in 43 CFR parts 3160, 3180, 
3260, 3280, 3480, and 3590.
    Cooperative agreement means a binding arrangement between two or 
more parties purporting to the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual 
arrangement that is accepted by all parties to a transaction (e.g., 
communitization and unitization).
    Director's representative means the Office of Surface Mining 
Reclamation and Enforcement director's representative authorized by law 
or lawful delegation of authority to perform the duties described in 30 
CFR part 750.
    Gas means any fluid, either combustible or non-combustible, that is 
produced in a natural state from the earth and that maintains a gaseous 
or rarefied state at ordinary temperature and pressure conditions.
    Geological and geophysical permit means a written authorization to 
conduct on-site surveys to locate potential deposits of oil and gas, 
geothermal or solid mineral resources on the lands.
    Geothermal resources means:
    (1) All products of geothermal processes, including indigenous 
steam, hot water and hot brines;
    (2) Steam and other gases, hot water, and hot brines, resulting from 
water, gas or other fluids artificially introduced into geothermal 
    (3) Heat or other associated energy found in geothermal formations; 
    (4) Any by-product derived therefrom.
    In the best interest of the Indian mineral owner refers to the 
standards to be applied by the Secretary in considering whether to take 
an administrative action affecting the interests of an Indian mineral 
owner. In considering whether it is ``in the best interest of the Indian 
mineral owner'' to take a certain action (such as approval of a lease, 
permit, unitization or communitization agreement), the Secretary shall 
consider any relevant factor, including, but not limited to: economic 
considerations, such as date of lease expiration; probable financial 
effect on the Indian mineral owner; leasability of land concerned; need 
for change in the terms of the existing lease; marketability; and 
potential environmental, social, and cultural effects.
    Indian lands means any lands owned by any individual Indian or 
Alaska Native, Indian tribe, band, nation, pueblo, community, rancheria, 
colony, or other tribal group which owns lands or interest in the 
minerals, the title to which is held in trust by the United States or is 
subject to restriction against alienation imposed by the United States.
    Indian mineral owner means any individual Indian or Alaska Native 
who owns mineral interests in oil and gas, geothermal, or solid mineral 
resources, title to which is held in trust by the United States, or is 
subject to the restriction against alienation imposed by the United 
    Indian surface owner means any individual Indian or Indian tribe 
whose surface estate is held in trust by the United States, or is 
subject to restriction against alienation imposed by the United States.
    Lease means any contract, approved by the Secretary of the Interior 
under the Act of March 3, 1909 (35 Stat. 783)(25 U.S.C. 396), as 
amended, and the Act of May 11, 1938 (52 Stat. 347) (25 U.S.C. 396a-
396g), as amended, that authorize exploration for, extraction of, or 
removal of any minerals.
    Lessee means a natural person, proprietorship, partnership, 
corporation, or other entity which has entered into a lease with an 
Indian mineral owner, or who has been assigned an obligation to make 
royalty or other payments required by the lease.
    Lessor means an Indian mineral owner who is a party to a lease.
    Minerals includes both metalliferous and non-metalliferous minerals; 
all hydrocarbons, including oil, gas, coal and lignite of all ranks; 
geothermal resources; and includes but is not limited to, sand, gravel, 
pumice, cinders, granite, building stone, limestone, clay,

[[Page 659]]

silt, or any other energy or non-energy mineral.
    Minerals Management Service official means any employee of the 
Minerals Management Service (MMS) authorized by law or by lawful 
delegation of authority to perform the duties described in 30 CFR 
chapter II, subchapters A and C.
    Mining means the science, technique, and business of mineral 
development including, but not limited to: opencast work, underground 
work, and in-situ leaching directed to severance and treatment of 
minerals; Provided, when sand, gravel, pumice, cinders, granite, 
building stone, limestone, clay or silt is the subject mineral, an 
enterprise is considered ``mining'' only if the extraction of such a 
mineral exceeds 5,000 cubic yards in any given year.
    Oil means all nongaseous hydrocarbon substances other than those 
substances leasable as coal, oil shale, or gilsonite (including all 
vein-type solid hydrocarbons). Oil includes liquefiable hydrocarbon 
substances such as drip gasoline and other natural condensates recovered 
or recoverable in a liquid state from produced gas without resorting to 
a manufacturing process.
    Permit means any contract issued by the superintendent and/or area 
director to conduct exploration on; or removal of less than 5,000 cubic 
yards per year of common varieties of minerals from Indian lands.
    Permittee means a person holding or required by this part to hold a 
permit to conduct exploration operations on; or remove less than 5,000 
cubic yards per year of common varieties of minerals from Indian lands.
    Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior or an authorized 
    Solid minerals means all minerals excluding oil and gas and 
geothermal resources.
    Superintendent means the Bureau of Indian Affairs official in charge 
of the agency office having jurisdiction over the minerals subject to 
leasing under this part.